Puppy woes


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2003
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Oklahoma (although I wish I wasn't)
I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but for a chunk of late last night, I wasn't posting like I usually do. Which was because I was at the emergency vet clinic from 12:00 to 2:00 in the morning. My 14 week old puppy dachsund was throwing up and had blood coming out of his bum. :X But luckily they gave us some meds and he is right back to chewing on my arm. :D Still not sure what gave it to him since he is getting all of his vaccinations.

Glad to hear your puppy is feeling better! :D
They're lovely at that age - v.mischievous! Hope he stays well :thumbs:
I know what you are going through my baby a Toy Fox Terrier had knee surgury about 2 months ago and just got his pins out 5 days ago and he is pulling his stitches out!!! I fill so sorry for him hes been crated for over 2 months now only getting out to potty :sad:

I am glad you baby is doing better...What excatly did he have? It sound familer but I cant think of the name
Well, they said he had something like Parvo, but I know he doesn't have Parvo because I take care of my dogs and get any shots that they need. But that's what they're going to treat it as. I could just slap someone for saying I could let my puppy get Parvo. :-( But, he's doing much better today. :D

PJ, have you tried one of those Elizabethan collars to prevent him from getting to the stitches?

It sounds like your dog might have had (now I am gonna try to spell it :lol: ) cociada something like!! :*)

No I didnt try the collar, but I had my baby at the Vet today for him to look at it and he said its fine thats its basically healed, and he told me to put bitter apple around it so it will taste bad (so far it has worked) and he gets the rest out on friday, unless he takes them out himself :lol:
I think he mention that c-word thing. :lol:
I heard that bitter apple stuff is great as a repellant. Glad to hear your baby's doing good, too. :D It's nothing but health here on out. :lol:

you know val my mini dachshund had something like that she was throwing up everywhere and I will tell you what her bum wasn't doing much better ( good thing we have hard wood floors) but she just had a bactiral infection and they gave her some antibiotics and some stuff that was supposed to stop the vomit and it did the only prob was that she hates pills
Yea juan I know what you mean about dog hating pills!!!! My little Toy Fox Terrier has to take pills the rest of his life and hes only 16 month old!!! He has SEVERE allergies, :-( He hates the pills, he hears me with the pill bottle and then sees me coming and runs like a MAD dog :hyper: I have to get him out from under the couch every morning to give him his pills!! :lol:
What you do is place the pill inside some peanut butter and shove your finger down their mouth. :X But obviously, when your dog is throwing up it's kind of stupid to put peanut butter in their mouth. But he was suprisingly okay with the pill by itself. My Golden Retriever, Buster, is a completely different story. He would find the pill in the p.b. and then spit it out and leave it on the floor. :lol:

I know that this sounds mean but really the best way to get a pill down a dog is to place it on the couch or somewhere where they can't get away from you, wrap your arm around them and crank open their mouth throw in the pill then hold the mouth shut and rub thier throat.
Pills. Right.. here we go.

I work at a dog kennel (in other words, if it comes to pilling, I'm a seasoned veteran!) hehe.

1. Shove. This often works nicely. Sit the dog down, open mouth, place pill as far back as possible. Close mouth. Tilt nose up at 75 degree angle, rub throat. Dog can be conditioned to swallow right away. Praise, Praise, PRAISE!!

2. Conceal. There are many, many things you can hide pills in these days. Be creative. Bread, Peanut Butter, my dogs prefer Cream Cheese, you can try Bil-Jac... anything and everything! Inside canned food chunks.

Make it positive afterwards. Especially if this is going to be an ongoing thing... Try to condition the animal that it's ok, or even FUN to take meds.

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