
Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
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South England
i have an emergency i saw my blue claico platy mating with my orange ballon molly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :/ :S :hyper: what sort of babys would it have!!!! this would be very weird!!but blue mollys would be kool lol anyone know what type of babys they would be like or has anyone else had these sorts of problems!!! it would be kool to here what sort of babys thy had ...... mutant fish?>>> :no:
Mollies and Platies are very much alike, I dont know what type of babies they would have..

Have you ever heard of a Guppy breeding with a Molly or a Molly breeding with a Guppy? I had that happen but I dont think they got pregnant!! :fun:
no i havnt heard of mollys and platys mating and have heared of swordtails and platys but balloon molly and platy!!!!! lol :p
guppys are more likly to mate with mosquito fish than mollys sowrdetial and platys cos there tooo diferent well that just my opinion but it might be possible...... :unsure: :S
Yeah, I thought I had the bright idea of putting mosquito fish, I guess that is what they are, with guppies to see if they would breed or not. Well, the mosquito fish thought the colorful tails of the guppies was a nice lunch. When I came home one day their tails were shorter so I took them out. I guess the mosquito fish were jealous :p Maybe I could try raising baby mosquito fish with some guppies to see if they would get along better. The hole molly and platy thing may work, but I am not sure. I could work or it may be the same cenario as a donkey and a horse, you may get babies that are sterile or even no babies at all. Don't know their chromosomal makeup.

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