guppy fry


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
i have guppy fry we have got 12 at the mo i think theres more :S :D :thumbs: i am very happy!!!! and they was born from a gd female she had a shiny green tail!!! shiny!!!!! :hyper: 12 is more that the two platy fry i caught form the last lot there was the only ones :-( but nm i think they had been there along time i put the guppy fry in with the platy i hope they dnt bully them! they wont eat them i dnt think so anyways! :/
CONGRADS on the new babies!!!! :D I am still waiting for mine to be born, shes 3 days past due :blink: and I have another female due Saturday :lol: And I also have a Black Molly due on 8-8 :)

Sometimes I want to stick my hand in there and squeeze her to make the babies come out :blink: :lol: :fun:
Congrats! I know how you feel. I was really excited when I got my first batch. they are over two weeks now and growing fast. Do you plan on keeping them?
not all of them jus maybe one or tow nice ones one boy one girl maybe hehehhehe :p i might get another tank in the future for the babies i want to keep.... i only want to keep really nice ones ! cos i dnt have that much room :/

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