Jumping Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2002
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I went to feed my fish yesterday and when I opened the lid I saw a big splash :S
I looked on the floor and there was my Chinese Algae eater walking across the carpet :lol:

He looked well funny, he wasnt flapping about as i'd of thought he would but was actually walking along on his fins :lol:

I picked him up in the net and placed him back in the tank - luckly he seems fine but could of hurt himself... Silly sausage :rolleyes:

Anyone else had a similar experience?
Unfortunate accident - lucky that he's ok -_-

I have a tank of African Cichlids that when feeding on floating pellates jump right out of the water to eat them. There are 9 adults and 6 juveniles all competing for these food offerings. Water splashes out of the tank but as yet I have no escaping fish :fun:

Feeding time is often like the Shamu show at SeaWorld - all spectators get wet :lol: :lol:
OMG :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im sorry thats all I can do!!!!!!

when its feeding time at my house they all come to the top to see which gets the first flake...

Even my Pleco "Fred" comes to the top :lol: :lol: :unsure: :blink:
I've had an arowana and gourami jump out. I wasn't in the room when they did, but just happened to come into the room as they were flopping about on the ground. I also had a freshwater moray eel find a way out of my tank. I didn't find him till 3 days later. :sick:
Eels are really good escape artists. Sorry you had to find out the bad way. :X
I had a baby molly jump out the tank a year or two back. I also didn't find it until a few days later. :sad:

when we went on vacation a few years ago our neighbor, Charlie, pet-sit our fish. when we came home the tank lid was open and the saltwater moray eel was gone. the next morning my brother found him behind the TV set. LOL. it isn't too funny because the poor eel was dead.
Yes that's happened to me more than once. The good thing about it though is that they don't seem to come to any harm. It tends to be a thing that elongated fish do if they can. That is why good fish tanks have hoods that cover the whole aquarium and only have cut-outs for inlet/outlet pipes.
My tank was totally covered. Even the small holes were covered with rocks weighing down the plastic covering them. I believe my eel swam up into the filter, then popped the top off the filter and got out that way. Was very disappointing cuz he was a sweet looking eel. Great personality, i loved watching him hunt for feeder guppies and eating shrimp.
My tank comes with a hood, with internal filters n stuff. I read about livebearers being jumpie but didn't worry that much as my tank's covered! But then one morning, I found one swordtail missing until night time n she's no where to be seen! Checked on the floor etc, still missing....

Just when I nearly gave up, I saw her! :fun: Looking at me inside the heater compartment in the internal filter!! :blink: For some reason she managed to jump to the top of the filter n squeezed herself into the heater!! :crazy: :alien:

So now I have to cover the filter with filter floss. :look:
Similar thing happened with my sucking loach. Brother rang me at work one day and told me he couldnt see him anywhere. I told him to look around etc. When i got home, i opened the lid and he was sitting on the prespex sheet between the tank and lid :eek:. Nearly gave me a heart attack. And the thing was he'd been out of water for about 6 hours! But he was ok when i rolled him back in. :)
It has not happen to me yet and hopefully it won't because I will just freak out! But I can say this.....fishes are like children, they do things that they shoulding be doing and it is up to us "parents" to watch over them. :D

Question: How long can they survive out of water?
I think the length of time a fish can survive outside of the water depends and varries from breed to breed. I believe its blue groumis that can breath air in lungs like humans and breath under water... pretty cool if you ask me... 8) I have had ghost shrimp jump out for over 20 minutes and be fine with I picked them up and dropped them back in... -_- :thumbs:
I think all labrynth fish have the ability to take in air outside the water. This is why paradise gouramis and betta can be kept in smaller tanks with no airation. They can gulp air from the surface.

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