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  1. guidedbyechoes

    Cant Get My Convicts To Breed! !

    I know of a guy that has water thats higher than 8 around here rarely ever does water changes and feeds a couple times a week and he has more convicts than he can get rid of. 2 55s 3 30s a 20 and a ten. All othing but convicts and plecs.
  2. guidedbyechoes

    Kribs In A 30 Gal

    alright don't want these guys throwing down and murdering something. Would they attack hatchet fish? for future reference when I move them to a larger tank.
  3. guidedbyechoes

    Kribs In A 30 Gal

    If I keep a pair of cribs, thats all I can keep in the tank correct?
  4. guidedbyechoes

    Glass Fish

    What other fish are transparent besides the glass cats that will fit in a 30 gallon or below tank? I want to have a small odball community.
  5. guidedbyechoes

    Bulb Choice

    I have combo lights that are both marine and dayglow. The blue adds a nice color.
  6. guidedbyechoes

    Don't Call Me Babe !

    kind of offtopic but what is the 3rd fish in your sig?
  7. guidedbyechoes

    Sev Tank Size

    Yeah thats what I was thinking. I don't have room for another 55 :crazy: and I have a 30 gallon long 3ft and a 25 high 2 ft.
  8. guidedbyechoes

    Sev Tank Size

    I was thinking about getting a breeding pair of sevs. But on the website live aquaria it says 30 gal minimum. Isn't that too small for fish that max out at 8 in?
  9. guidedbyechoes

    Mbuna Or Haps

    How do you keep it all from falling? I have about 200 lbs of river stone and its half that height.
  10. guidedbyechoes

    Can Anyone Id These Please?

    looks like a psudeotrophous of somekind.
  11. guidedbyechoes

    I Found A New Type Of Setup

    So it will grow up most likely to look similar to the fish in my avatar. the socolofi
  12. guidedbyechoes

    I Found A New Type Of Setup

  13. guidedbyechoes

    I Found A New Type Of Setup

    Is yours a brevis? Still can't find the name of the type of setup.....
  14. guidedbyechoes

    I Found A New Type Of Setup

    It was new to me haha
  15. guidedbyechoes

    I Found A New Type Of Setup

    Ok I was in my LFS for a few minutes(during my lunch break) and I saw a new setup that started with an r. It was like a paludarium(sp) but it didn't have land it was a large peice of driftwood and plants that had their roots in a sort of holder but the stems and such outside of the water. It...
  16. guidedbyechoes

    If Money Was No Object

    can one of the mods change the title to object instead of option.
  17. guidedbyechoes

    If Money Was No Object

    Ok if your only job was to set up and maintain a reef aqaurium, and money was no object. What would you start with? Lets say the tank is in a wall with a 10'x10' room behind it. The stocking list includes : inverts(of your choice), lps,sps and softies. Fish are: Pair of True Percula clowns...
  18. guidedbyechoes

    Will Lr Die If Its Got Nofish With It

    Really?! I never knew that. I thought it needed at least 2 watts per gallon to keep the coraline algea from dying off and nuking the tank.
  19. guidedbyechoes


    I was thinking more along the lines of weed barrier but not in such huge amounts.
  20. guidedbyechoes


    I am looking for a barrier to go between the nutrient rich yet not pleasing to the eye substrate and sand. I have digging fish which would be an issue.
  21. guidedbyechoes

    Rock Formations

    they seem to be liking the setup so far. Just waiting on the plants to get here.
  22. guidedbyechoes

    Rock Formations

    I was wondering if any one has deviated from the original stack all the rocks across the whole back area. I'm thinking of trying a different formation for my rocks because I'm going to be planting it with hardy non tasty plants. Has anyone tried using the using the rock pile or split rock pile...
  23. guidedbyechoes

    I Might Just Be Crazy Enough To Try This

    THANKS it still doesn't list any fast growers..... No idea if hygro can work or not.
  24. guidedbyechoes

    I Might Just Be Crazy Enough To Try This

    so crypts and ferns excluding the madagascar lace. I would also like some floating plants, but ones that won't just become a mass on the top taking out all of my light.
  25. guidedbyechoes

    I Might Just Be Crazy Enough To Try This

    crap dude do you have a list of the plants and the fish you used? I also heard that some cichlids will just go crazy on plants while others won't touch them even if they are the same species. Makes it kind of difficult. My plans for the weed barrier was to make it sort of like a sleeping bag...
  26. guidedbyechoes

    I Might Just Be Crazy Enough To Try This

    Ok so I wanted to try an expirement. First of all I want to do basically an open topped el natural yet retain an area for natural digging. I want to provide the co2 for it in the same sense. Adding a layer of potting soil at the bottom. But the difference being that I leave an area for the rocks...
  27. guidedbyechoes

    I Have A Preggo Cichlid

    ok so now I have a fish ready to become an f1. What shall I need? I plan on using a plastic container one of the clear longer ones about 30 or so gallons. I take it I will need filtration and a heater. But what kind of filtration? I don't want them stressed from a huge current. Also I have...
  28. guidedbyechoes

    Any One Care To Explain This To Me?

    This is something I would be interested in. I already have some duckweed. It multiplies faster than guppies.
  29. guidedbyechoes

    Any One Care To Explain This To Me?

    I was thinking about trying my hand at a planted tank once more. Last time I had high light and it didn't work out very well. I'm guessing the harder water I have doesn't help either.
  30. guidedbyechoes

    Any One Care To Explain This To Me? Low light, no ferts, no co2.
  31. guidedbyechoes

    Is It Possible To Kill Java Moss

    While it has moisture and light? I just found some growing in my canister filter. The UV light must be enough to keep it alive.
  32. guidedbyechoes

    My Fish Didn't Read Their Profiles

    Yeah this is what I ment. I don't think I would have the funds to feed all these hungry mouths with live food everyday. I just like have more options to switch up their diet. I used to feed them betta food, goldfish flakes and algea pellets. But now I started with mbuna pellets they don't like...
  33. guidedbyechoes

    My Fish Didn't Read Their Profiles

    So brine shrimp would be ok? I'm guessing mysis shrimp are out, snce they contain so much fat.
  34. guidedbyechoes

    My Fish Didn't Read Their Profiles

    My Mbuna don't even view lettuce as food. I had a ghost shrimp I couldn't find when I changed the tank over to the rock setup and its gone. Hopefully its ok for the fish to eat the shrimp. THey are as follows: Psudotrophous Lab chromis lab trophus cynotalopia Idotrophus
  35. guidedbyechoes

    Tank Sizes

    I was using it as a reference. My tank is a 30 gal long. But I can see where it would be easier, as it is with freshwater.
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Tank Sizes

    I was at a lfs this weekend and saw a 15 gallon bio-cube with a baby mandarin and a baby sailfin blenny of some sort. I was wondering is it better for the smaller fish to start out in a smaller tank and be moved to a larger one or just to put them in a larger tank straight away. Currently I...
  37. guidedbyechoes

    Labeotropheus Trewavasae

    Hmm well I still have the 30 laying around I want to put something in. Any recommendations besides shell dwellers that I could put in the 30?
  38. guidedbyechoes

    Labeotropheus Trewavasae

    So technically I could put them all in one tank?
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Is There Any Age Limit For Buying Fish?(uk)

    I wouldn't think so. I beleive there should be some for certain saltwater fish.