I Might Just Be Crazy Enough To Try This


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
Ok so I wanted to try an expirement. First of all I want to do basically an open topped el natural yet retain an area for natural digging. I want to provide the co2 for it in the same sense. Adding a layer of potting soil at the bottom. But the difference being that I leave an area for the rocks so no anarobic packets are formed. My idea for keeping them from digging up the top soil is adding a layer of weed barrier to act as a false bottom. Doing so this way I can plant a few mid or forground plants. I planned on a few species crypts and vals for the side midground and a red lotus for the focal point.

I also plan on placing amphibous plants like java fern, clover and some different strains of anubis on and near the rocks.

The specs for the tank are 2 wpg lighting thinking about scaling back to 1 wpg . 55 gallon tank 120 gallon rated canister filter. I already have 4 javas and 2 anubis nanas in the plant and they are growing decently well with no co2 or any special attention.

If any one can offer any horror stories or plant substitutions let me know. I think the plan will keep them from digging up the plants just have to worry about them eating the others. They haven't bothered these yet and after 4 months the plants are multiplying so I can't be doing too terrible of a job.
red tiger lotus doesn't work mate mine has been eaten and generally ragged about lol the same with all my plants i think they might start to pull the weed sheet up too but i maybe wrong on that and it is a good idea basically all my plants are in tatters lol
Established anubias are often featured in African cichlid setups. Tough leaved plants are a good bet. If you try an add un-established plants, you run the risk of cichlids being cichlids. If your javas and anubias are already doing well, then there is no need to change anything and I would just add more of those. Lotus leaves are too fragile.

red tiger lotus doesn't work mate mine has been eaten and generally ragged about lol the same with all my plants i think they might start to pull the weed sheet up too but i maybe wrong on that and it is a good idea basically all my plants are in tatters lol

crap dude do you have a list of the plants and the fish you used? I also heard that some cichlids will just go crazy on plants while others won't touch them even if they are the same species. Makes it kind of difficult. My plans for the weed barrier was to make it sort of like a sleeping bag where the soil is envoloped in the barrier and the ends are placed under the rocks.

Established anubias are often featured in African cichlid setups. Tough leaved plants are a good bet. If you try an add un-established plants, you run the risk of cichlids being cichlids. If your javas and anubias are already doing well, then there is no need to change anything and I would just add more of those. Lotus leaves are too fragile.


I did want to add something that will add some shade as the front and side glass get quite covered in algea in less than a week. I tried duck weed but I just got a mess and it didn't take enough nutrients out I did want to give some other plants a shot now while they are young because they aren't mating yet. But I can definitly see the lotus being too fragile.
red tiger lotus /spatterdock /amozon swords and i type of sword (i think) that has big wide long leaves java moss but im pretty sure my giant gourami is eating that lol water wisteria /the purple/redunderneath/green leaved plant and quite alot more but i am rubbish at remembering names for plants sorry but someone maybe able to id them from that (hopefully) they haven't touched the java fern though i think they wont touch like lljdma06 said fern anubias and any strong rough tough leaved plants

that weed sheet idea if it works let us know and i might give it a go too lol
red tiger lotus /spatterdock /amozon swords and i type of sword (i think) that has big wide long leaves java moss but im pretty sure my giant gourami is eating that lol water wisteria /the purple/redunderneath/green leaved plant and quite alot more but i am rubbish at remembering names for plants sorry but someone maybe able to id them from that (hopefully) they haven't touched the java fern though i think they wont touch like lljdma06 said fern anubias and any strong rough tough leaved plants

that weed sheet idea if it works let us know and i might give it a go too lol

so crypts and ferns excluding the madagascar lace. I would also like some floating plants, but ones that won't just become a mass on the top taking out all of my light.

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