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  1. R


    Is That Tank Big Enough for an Oscar? That seems to be like a 45g Tank I thought Oscars need a 75g tank!!!
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    Yeah I love them but I have been trying to track down a few with no luck. Most places only have like 2 or 3 or none at all is this a difficult fish to find in Canada?
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    How Big Of A Tank

    I was thinking of starting an Exodons tank but I wasn't too sure about tank size. I found a tank in my buddys house that's 48x20x12 how many gallons is this and would this be a good tank to have the Exodons in?
  4. R


    Posted ths in predatory but most likely better here!!!! Ok so I have been reading around and I think these are some intresting fish. I am planning out a 50g tank and was originally thinking a Serra but now I was thinking a school of Exodons might be freakin cool. Anyway has anyone kept these...
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    Ok so I have been reading around and I think these are some intresting fish. I am planning out a 50g tank and was originally thinking a Serra but now I was thinking a school of Exodons might be freakin cool. Anyway has anyone kept these things and maybe has a little experience and info for me...
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    Best For A 50 Gallon

    I'm looking for suggestions on predatory fish that would feel at home in a 50g tank. I have cycled my tank and am looking forward to a pair of predatory fish, I really wanted a Oscar but they are a bit to large for the 50!!!
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    Rescued Julii Cory

    I actually am curious about the inter species groups cause sometimes it's hard finding 6 of any cory. Can i get 4 of 1 and maybe 4 of another to go together?
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    Panda Cory

    I too love Panda Corys and yes very hard to find. I bought 4 and 3 of them died in a terrible tank accident (my GF took a goldfish from a friend and put it in the tank while i was away, she didn't know any better) Anyway a happy ending, My Common Pleco who was only a little bit bigger at the...
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    So My Pleco

    Okay well i haven't been on this site for awhile but i have officially killed all my fish but my Pleco and a few others. I have a 75gallon tanks that my pleco dominates (he's about 12inches) anyway i am thinking about starting a new tank and switching to sand will the Pleco be good with sand...
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    Is she preggers

    no breeding trap never thought about breeding. how much are they
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    Is she preggers

    How long till she births? 2 weeks, should i seperate them now. first real time doing this.
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    Is she preggers

    can anyone tell if my swordtail is pregnant. Please i need help
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    what is your favourite cory?

    I really like the bearded cory but I can never find any at my lfs.
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    the aggression of Trichogaster Trichopterus

    I have 3 gourami's, all 3 spot Blue. They all have lived with each other since birth. The biggest one is huge but has never bothered the other 2. He will chase them once in a while but never do anything. The other 2 tend to bug him which is the only reason that he goes after them. But I have had...
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    OKay, I had a similar problem at my girlfriends. You have to move the invertabraes, if you don't have a spare tank, then you should find a plastic bowl or a 2litre bottle or a gallon jug. anything will work but you have to do the normal treatment and move the invertabraes, don't put salt in the...
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    Wouldn't it be cool . . .

    I was actually considering that a few weeks ago I saw a 72gallon shallow tank and thought about maybe a 100 cories would be nice.
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    I had Baby's

    Okay I had the swordtails for about a month. I only have 1 fry left and he seems to be doing fine. I took your advice about the food. I wanted to keep them but they had the babies in my community tank and I can't get them out so only 1 left. :byebye: I am sad but hopefully I will get some pics...
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    I had Baby's

  19. R

    I had Baby's

    This is the first time I have ever had babies. UM, they are swordtails what should I do I have no idea they are so cute what to do.
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    Please Help Now

    I need to know If there are any cold water plecos that can go into a pond. PLease I need help now.
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    Need Gouramis Help

    How can you tell the difference between male and female.
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    Cory school

    I have a 6 albino corys and 1 Panda Cory and they school not shoal school. But they have been together for ever. I say it works but I may just be a special case.
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    What colour do you prefer most in a fish?

    I love Red, Black and Blue. I really like red though. I just wish Cory's came in all those colors.
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    I was told by a friend that you can put cucumber in the tank and the loaches will eat it. Is this true? Is this Okay? Will It affect any of the other fish in my 30 gallon? My fish are listed below.
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    Betta And Gouramis

    No It's the 30gal I'm putting them in.
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    Betta And Gouramis

    Can they be in the same tank? I was thinking about buying 4 Blue Gourmais for my tank but I also saw the most in credible Beta. Will they go together. I know Bettas are very territorial but can the Gourmais go in with it. If not I'll have to get a Betta tank. I really want them to go together...
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    Just Startin

    Thinking about buying some Gourami. I was just wondering how many i could keep in a 30 gallon tank. What kinds should i start with. My other fish in the tank are listed below.
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    Gettin New Fish

    What about other kinds of Loaches. Will all loaches go well with the other fish in the tank. What about the oddballs.
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    Gettin New Fish

    OKay In My New tank I have 3 Albino Corys, 1 Panda Cory and A Common PLeco. Now I need to now if this is possible. I would Like To get 3 more Corys and 3 Clown Loaches. It's a 30 Gallon planted tank. The Pleco is moving into a bigger tank. So it will just be the 4 Corys. 1) Is This Possible...
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    cory question

    Most Corys get along as long as they all grow together. My 3 Albinos get along great with my Panda. He grew faster then they did and has protected them. He seems very loving to them and is always schooling with them.
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    Anybody else got a cory like this?

    I love cory's i have a freaky big Panda Cory. he's 4inches. I love Corys.
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    Biggest Panda Cory Ever

    My Panda Cory (Big Cat) Is at least 4 inches. Is this really rare or is he just my little freak. He's as healthy as can be and he loves playing with my baby albino corys (The Stooges) but he's really big and I've heard they only grow to a max of 2 inches. What's up with this.
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    coolest catfish!

    :o Wow That Is My Dream Fish I need it now
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    What Is Cycling

    I don't know what it is. I am new to starting a tank and my friend was the one who started it. He said it was fine but should I have done it. I have had the fish for a month and none have died should i expect some to die if I didn't cycle. Help PLease.
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    pics of tank hood

    I'm Building one as i speak. genius idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hi Howa r ya doin

    My name is actually Mike. I love fish. I'm from Winnipeg Canada. I absolutely love corys and pleco's. My favorite fish is by far Oscars. I've only owned 1. My fish are all in my sig as well as my tanks.
  37. R

    PLec advise

    OKay I'm putting the little one in with the big one. How long will it take for the small one to get big enough that i won't have to worry about it. I want it to be about 7-8 inches. I'm just wondering how long that will take. It's a common PLeco.
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    I Love Cory's

    Are There any Rare Corys I should look for or any really nice ones i should look at buying. I'm thinking of making my 70 gallon a cummunity tank and have a couple of schools of corys. Do you think they'll get along with my 2 plecos?
  39. R

    I Love Cory's

    I just purchased 3 baby Albino Corys(or Pink Corys) and A Panda Cory. I love these fish and would like to buy some more. Is there a specific ratio of catfish to normal fish that i should watch or can i get as many as i want. I bought some sinking pelets for them is that okay cause I only have 6...
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    Need Help

    I would really love to hear some feedback. PLease!!!!!!!!!