Betta And Gouramis


New Member
May 12, 2004
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Can they be in the same tank? I was thinking about buying 4 Blue Gourmais for my tank but I also saw the most in credible Beta. Will they go together. I know Bettas are very territorial but can the Gourmais go in with it. If not I'll have to get a Betta tank. I really want them to go together cause the Betta is a Beautiful Red with a yellow tint around it's fins and would look amazing in a tank full of Blue.
Some people say yes they can, but I think in general it is a risky situation because they are fairly closely related and can be quite territorial and/or agressive. I know there are people on here who keep them together successful but in general the opinion is a no. It is one of those risky situations that you would have to watch closely because you could all of a sudden wake up to a dead fish. I would imagine it could work if they had plenty of space to claim as thier own. Hopefully someone who has kept them and either failed or succeeded will respond with some advice. Good Luck :)
what size tank you thinking of putting them in... if its the 10 gallon in your info it might be risky.... hiding places might help, but some nipping is probably gonna happen which will be stressfull on all the fish..... you could always get a kritter keeper, and float it in the same tank as the gouramis.. that way theyd still be together, just not able to attack each other.
if u only plan on puttin 4 gouramis and 1 betta... it might be ok... aslong as there are hiding places... but as i said... you could always float a container with the betta in it in there
I have a gold gourami(Dax) and a male crown tail betta(Max) in a five gallon tank and they get along famously. They're both males and as long as the gold gourami doesn't "look" at the betta the wrong way they are fine! :sly: When he does look at him all crazy the betta chases the gourami, but since the gourami is faster than the betta they haven't had any clashes. :) (The gold gourami's the veteran of the tank, but since he was beat up by our blue gourami (Guido) before we separated them into different tanks he's now really submissive/passive). I guess it just depends on the personality and temperament of the individuals anyway. :dunno:

After thought: My swordtail had more problems with the betta than the gourami ever has.

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