cory question


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i have 1 cory now, and im getting 2 more tommorow because of that shoal, or schooling thing. i dont know what kind i have, it was an a name. i want 2 get diffent ones though, would they be ok together or should they be the same breed.
They can be different varieties. I have an albino, a leopard, 3 peppered cories and one other that I can't find a name for :rolleyes: They all shoal together just fine.
Imo, they can mix pretty well even they're not from the same species. In fact, they do very well in groups. Why not getting total of 5-6 of them?
Hi wrs :)

You're doing the right thing by getting some companions for your cory. :nod: I think you will be happy to see them swimming and playing together.

In general it's best to keep at least 3 of a kind together. They grow up with lots of brothers and sisters and they feel comfortable that way. But they all get along provided they are the same general size. For example, I think Bronze C. aeneus and albinos get along great. They are just color variations of the same fish. But pandas are quite a bit smaller and are best kept in their own group. The big bronze corys are a little too big and rough (just because of the size difference) to play with them. If you know what kind you have and what you are thinking about I can give you some idea how they will do.

There are no corys that do get along with each other, so don't worry about that, it's just that you really want ones that will play and enjoy each other's company. :nod:
Most Corys get along as long as they all grow together. My 3 Albinos get along great with my Panda. He grew faster then they did and has protected them. He seems very loving to them and is always schooling with them.
He grew faster then they did and has protected them. He seems very loving to them and is always schooling with them.

awww, thats so cute, i think i do have those aeneus ones. its really small know. i was thinking one of those orange ones, the natural, not the dyed. and maybe.... emerald green one. i did have another cory but she looked sick because her fin was missing, and we wnet back 2 the store and i think i saw her in the tank, she looked all healthy so if shes still there i definetly want 2 get her, pandas sound nice. im not sure though about the ones that this store sells. probly all of them, but im not sure.
I think that Inchworm meant that "There are no corys that do not get along with each other, so don't worry about that, it's just that you really want ones that will play and enjoy each other's company."

jams.alaskan said:
I think that Inchworm meant that "There are no corys that do not get along with each other, so don't worry about that, it's just that you really want ones that will play and enjoy each other's company."

Yup. The 3 that I had first are all nearer to full grown and are different varieties. The 3 I got the other day are all pepper and are MUCH smaller - like half an inch. It's so cute to see them tagging along after the bigger cories :wub:

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