Cory school


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
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I read that you can make a school of Corys of different types, and they will be perfectly happy. Is this true? I don't want to get 4 different ones and have them be lonely. :sad:
Yes and no. I have a shoal of four species but there are 3 of each type and 2 of one (one of them died some months back and I haven't found a replacement yet). If you have at least 3 of each species then it should work out fine and they will shoal, not school. So it's true if you do it properly though usually they hang out together more than move as a single group of fish.

BTW, to clarify this situation as Cories don't school in different species but shoal;

Schooling is when a group of the same species of fish swim together in a close grouping. A lot of fish do this, including some Cories.

Shoaling is two or more species swimming together in a close or loose (more common) group. Cories will do this with other Cories and occasionally other fish though usually the groups are loosely connected.
Ok, thanks. Whether they shoal or school is not important to me as long as they aren't lonely.
atomzero said:
Ok, thanks. Whether they shoal or school is not important to me as long as they aren't lonely.
I had at one time,1 Paleatus, 1 Bronze, 1 Albino Bronze, 1 Panda, a Julli look a like and a couple of other species in one tank and they lived for years together until I really got into cories. I liked the one of each and they would do like a group of the same species.
I agree with tider... Mine are different and they still kick it together... they don't seem to be prejudice at all.
Just another reason why catfish are great. :thumbs:

Why can't people be more like catfish? 8)
I have a 6 albino corys and 1 Panda Cory and they school not shoal school. But they have been together for ever. I say it works but I may just be a special case.
I agree with most of the post but I would like to add thing or 2.
If you are planning to breed them, do not get similar colored cory in same tank. Especially so called spotted cory which is almost impossible to correctly identify sometime. And some of them could hybred.
And if you have money and space to have a group of cory. Group of same specy is always better for them. And easier to get them in group(6 or more) at once than later on try to get more later. Sometime you have tough time locate the exactly same cory. There are just darn too many similar looking cories especially the spotted cory.
I thought you should know this. Because I ended up mix of similar looking corys and they did hybred.
i had three baby pandas that used to follow my adult albino EVERYWHERE like ducklings after a mother duck :D I mention this at every opportunity but it's too sweet to keep to myself.
I find they do much better when there's more than one or two of each in the tank. They're move active, more playful and less stressed out. Sure they may live several years just as their own but they may not live as long as their potential is. These fish have a potential to live nearly 30 years but being stressed can reduce it drastically.
i have 1 panda and one aneuos, or however you spell it, they shaol, or school at times but its very loose and quite uncommen, so id say get the same kinds.
Teelie said:
I find they do much better when there's more than one or two of each in the tank. They're move active, more playful and less stressed out. Sure they may live several years just as their own but they may not live as long as their potential is. These fish have a potential to live nearly 30 years but being stressed can reduce it drastically.
well all I know is my experiance i did a tank of different species one of each and they lived a long healthy life. and were just as active as my other cories. and lived just as long. I have not seen the 30 year life span ever and I have been keeping them since I was around 8.
atomzero said:
I read that you can make a school of Corys of different types, and they will be perfectly happy. Is this true? I don't want to get 4 different ones and have them be lonely. :sad:
I have 4 corys, two different types (don't know what they are because the LFS didn't have it written on the tanks), and they love each other. They like to "dogpile" and all snuggle on top of each other, it's the cutest thing. :wub: Probably depends on what variety you have though--I had a panda cory for a few months, and he never socialized with my other two.

I used to have only two, and they always hung out together but they were never very active... Got two more of a different type and they all are more active now.

I would get two or three of each type, that way if it turns out they don't act like mine, they at least have somebody their own species to be pals with.

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