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  1. E

    Jack Dempsey Wasting Away

    I've been using paraguard. It's supposed to treat pop eye and cloud eye (or so it's written on the bottle). I'll try the liquid garlic to entice her to eat, but I think her problem is finding the food... but it's worth a try... I don't think I can hand feed her. I've never tried to hand feed...
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    Large Tank Setup

    I like the amazon sword plants, but I was told that my severums might chomp them to death... I might try them nonethless. If your tank is very deep (I mean it, very, very deep), then the giant vallisneria are a nice choice. They grow well and fast. I add fertilizer from times to times and they...
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    Large Tank Setup

    As soon as I can find a camera! My fish are for the most part very small, so there's not much to see yet, but I'm quite happy with the set up. I have some nice geods, with tiny crystals inside. They're so pretty. My only gripe is the vallisneria growing too big. I have to cut it often, and then...
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    Large Tank Setup

    Ok, here it goes. I have purchased a new tank this summer. It's 6 feet long, with a capacity of 130 gallons. There's some anubias, java fern and some Vallisneria Gigantea. There's a lot of rocks and numerous large root-like pieces of wood that I purchased at my local pet shop. I've got an UV...
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    Jack Dempsey Wasting Away

    I checked her more closely today. Over the last two months, her vision has declined a lot. She seems to be blind (or almost blind). One of her eyes pops out a lot. They're not as milky as they used to be though, but this doesn't seem to help her. Is there hope for recovery? Will she stay blind...
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    Jack Dempsey Wasting Away

    She's with a couple of very peaceful fish (two small pleco, 6 small loaches, a bunch of corydoras). There has never been any problem with them. I give her mostly colour bits, as they were her favourite food before she got sick. She can't find loating pellets. How should I use liquid garlic...
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    Jack Dempsey Wasting Away

    This summer I purchased a new tank. It's doing well now, but when I introduced two young (1 inch long, a couple, I was told) jack dempseys, an outbreak of ich quickly followed and attacked the fish that were already there. The water parameters were very good. I tried curing the ich (salt bath...
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    Aftermath Of An Outbreak Of Parasites...

    I had a major outbreak of ich and chilodonella (I believe) in my 130 gallons tank. I tried treating it with malachite green but lost a couple of fish in the process. I set up rapidly a hospital tank, in which I put some salt (1tsp per 5 gallons) and I started giving bath using paraguard once a...
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    Paraguard Causing Distress?

    No I cannot, as I do not own a camera. However, I can describe them. There were naturally some darker spots on my two light blue jack dempseys. Some of these were barely visible. These spots all turned black. The fringe of the tail fins, the dorsal fins and the ventral fins all turned black...
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    Paraguard Causing Distress?

    A pet shop sold me two jack dempsey that had been afflicted with ich. They had told me that they were fine now, but they were not. I had a strong outbreak of ich in my tank. I treated it immediately using malachite green (Riga) but I lost my two loaches in the process. Odds are that I stopped...
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    Odd Discolouration On Jack Dempsey

    It's not just white spot, it's Chilodonella now (I think). I'm treating my fish with salt bath, they seem to help. I've set up a hospital tank, with salt in the water. I'll keep using medication (melachite green, probably). My Severum is quite beg (5 inches) and it seems to still be in good...
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    One Thing After Another...

    I'm having a very similar problem: first ich, and then Chilodonella. I've tryied treating my affliged severum and one of the two jack dempsey (the one I was able to catch!) using a salt bath. It has helped clear out the whitish film on the severum, but it still has very laboured breathing and...
  13. E

    Odd Discolouration On Jack Dempsey

    Ok, I've done a salt bath (1%) for my severum and the first jack dempsey is currently undergoing it. The discolouration has dissapeared from my severum and I can see some some tissue damage underneath. It looks quite stressed, though it doesn't hide. It holds its lower fin clamped because of the...
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    Odd Discolouration On Jack Dempsey

    I don,t have ammonia nor nitrites nor nitrates. I have increased aeration using a water pump. My severum has developped the same problem. I'm pretty sure it's Chilodonella! What should I do? I've still got a cory alive so I don,t want to add salt and risk injure it! Should I do salty water...
  15. E

    Odd Discolouration On Jack Dempsey

    I've been treating my fish tank for 11 days because of ich. I added two small jack dempseys last wednesday or so and they contaminated my fish tank. They showed no sign of illness when I bought them, but apparently they were suffering from ich. My pet shop had put them in quarantine, but they...
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    Sick Fish, I Don't Know What To Do!

    My cory just died. :-( I was told by the pet shop's guys that maybe it was the ammonia that killed him, as he was stressed already because of the water's temperature and the ich. The others seem fine, though they're hiding.
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    Sick Fish, I Don't Know What To Do!

    I've isolated my sick cory as its health seems to have deteriorated. It has larger wounds each side of his head, near the gills. I don't know what causes that. The ammonia is at 0.3PPM, no nitrite, no nitrate. When he was in the larger tank, he was lying on the gravel, upside down. He looked...
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    Cories Dying

    I'm having the same problem with one of my corys. Today I noticed that he has two small wounds in the gill areas. From times to times, he is stuck tot he filter's input part. I don't know what's going on. I did a water change yesterday. My ammonia is fairly high (0.40 PPM), and that's unusual...
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    Sick Fish, I Don't Know What To Do!

    I've recently (about 3-4 weeks from now) started my new aquarium. It's a 130 gallons. To start the cycling process, I transfered one of my severum, 2 loach clows and 3 corydoras. There was no ammonia surge stronger than 0.5ppm. After a while, I decided to buy two small Jack Dempsey. They're...
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    Some Questions About Ph

  21. E

    Some Questions About Ph

    Thought so. Thanks for the advice! I'll follow it. :good:
  22. E

    Some Questions About Ph

    Ok. Will do. Should I transfer my fish back in their old fish tank? my severum has been in the new water only for an hour. He seems quite stressed: he was very light green with barely visible stripes, and now his stripes are dark grey, almost black. The other fish behave normally.
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    Some Questions About Ph

    Well I've added three corys yesterday evening before going to bed. They're doing fine. I've added a loach clown this morning. He seems fine to. All have eaten well. The ammonia is surprisingly low (less than 0.25, I'd say close to 0.15ppm). No nitrites, no nitrates. The ammonia was at .4ppm...
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    Some Questions About Ph

    Then do you think that the ph change will be harmful for the fish ? They've been through worse in the past, but as I've got now some aggressivity issues (my fish are stress, but not hurt physically) in their small, overcrowded tank, I'm afraid they're not in their best shape...
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    Awwww Daaamnnn!

    Hi! I've had a couple of aggressivity issues, so I can relate. I think it's best to have an odd number of aggressive fish in a tank. That way, the dominant one won't always pick on only one fish. His aggressivity will be distributed between more members. I've started my 40 gallons aquarium...
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    Do All Corys Require Same Needs?

    What kind of ph do they like? Also, is it ok to feed them vegetables? Which one would they like?
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    Some Questions About Ph

    They're both Eheim filters, but they're of very different size and filtering capacity. The new (larger) one is eheim pro, while the other is only eheim. They don't use the same filtering products. I've posted in the cichlid forum asking for which ph my fish will like best. What do you think is...
  28. E

    Ph And Cichlids

    I've got two severums and a blood parrot, that I will transfer eventually to my new 130 gallons tank. I was thinking on adding a couple of jack dempseys too. My new tank's ph is 7.4. This is also my tap water's ph. My old tank (in which the fish currently are) has a ph of 6.4. So I have two...
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    Some Questions About Ph

    I didn't want to transfer my filter from the old tank to the new, as this will leave me with no filter for the old one (or a way too powerful one). What I did was this: I washed the foam insert in the water of the new tank, in the hope of transfering some good bacterias. My ammonia level had...
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    Some Questions About Ph

    The problem is that my new aquarium is 130 gallon and my old one is only 40. Even if I was to fill my new one with the old one, 40 gallon wouldn't change much, would it? Beside, I'd love to keep my old one working, to use as an emergency tank (at least until the cycling process is ok). So, how...
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    What Fish Really Are Impossible To Kill!

    Maybe plecos and severums? After all I put mine through... they still thrive. I've always had severums and they're very resilient.
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    Some Questions About Ph

    I've got a 40 gallon tank, that cycles perfectly and in which my fish seem to be happy (though crowded). I've recently purchased a new 130 gallon tank. I've started Monday. However, I've noticed that the water in this tank has a ph of 7.4. I've tested my tap water's ph, it's 7.4, just like my...
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    Value Of Decoration

    I've just started my new 130 gallons cichlid tank. I wanted plants this time, but I was warned tha my severums and my pleco would love to destroy them. Still, I was adviced some varieties, that won't be eaten (they taste bad? they're toxic?) and are resilient enough. Beside, I was told, they...
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    New Member! Hey There!

    That's a pretty good idea. Hadn't thought of that. Thanks! I'll try it! :nod:
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    The Bigger The Tank The Better!

    You people make me feel sad I only bought a 130 gallons tank. Still, as it's 72'' long, it looks pretty big. Oh, will my severums be happy to swim in it (once it will be ready)!
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    New Member! Hey There!

    Hi, So, I'm new here. I'm a 23 university student, living in Montreal, Canada. I've currently got two tanks, a 40 gallons one that I've had for about a year and a half, and a brand new 130 gallons one. In the past, I've had a 15 gallons and my first ever tank was a 10 gallons. I've always kept...
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    Best Tank Set-up For Severums?

    It sure is hard to find enough stuff to create enough covers in such a large aquarium. I went rock-hunting a few days ago with my bf. We brought back as many rocks as we could, but it's not nearly enough...
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    What To Do? Pleco Has Discoloured!

    Yeah... maybe I have overreacted. The lighter spots cannot be seen anymore. Maybe it was normal? Pfew... at least I won't rush setting up my new tank.
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    New 130 Gallons Tank! What To Add?

    Yes, they're cories. I just checked. So far, they're big enough to avoid any problems. However, they don't grow nearly as fast as the severum, so I'm afraid too. I just posted a thread about that in the cory forum...
  40. E

    New Huge Tank... When To Add New Fish?

    I've already got a 40 gallons tank running. It cycles perfectly: I've had it for a year and a half, and there's no ammoniac nor nitrites. I'll probably transfer some gravel and water, to help speed up the new cycling process. So far, I've only started cycling aquaria with live fish (usually a...