New 130 Gallons Tank! What To Add?


New Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I've just bought a 130 gallons tank. It's 72''X18X24. What kind of fish should I add to those I already have?

Here's those that I've got and will transfer soon:

Two severum (4.5'' long and 6.5'')
One blood parrot (5.5'')
one common plecostomus gibbiceps (6'')
one loch clown (1'')
a couple of small bottom algua eaters (1'' each).

I was thinking on purchasing a small Jack Dempsey or two.

Good idea?

By the way, how long should I wait before slowly adding the fish? I was adviced to add the smallest ones first. I've started my tank today!


wait for 2 wks add 1 fish a week until 6 weeks are over

I would go for plecs , they r awesome

and that brazilian fish , its silvery and long , i cant remember its name

get otos like 10 for ur algae, chinese algae eaters are cool , very active , I dont care abt their bad rep...mine r fun , I luv shrimp they r fun to watch. I would add big fish along w/ medium to small ones
Thanks! But wouldn't small fish get eaten by my biggest severum? I used to have two loch clown, until he ate the smallest one... :-(
charming Ilya Lol

I gather your talking about Clown loaches Eloise you have 1 however they should be in groups of 4 or more....if you do have enough space for them then you MUST quarentine the new loaches for at least 2 weeks as they get white spot at the drop of a hat!
yes,clown loaches need to be kept in groups,BUT if 1 of the clown loaches has already been eaten,then any more added to the tank at such a small size are likely to end up with the same fate.
You need to look at your fish sizes IMO.
the 'small bottom algae eaters' i'm guessing something like otto's or cories, are also at risk from the bigger fish.
Oh didn't realise a loach had been eaten... if you get suitable fish for your tank double check they aren't to small....

P:S: Good to see Miss Wiggle still on this forum...MY GOD LOOK AT THAT POST COUNT!!!
the 'small bottom algae eaters' i'm guessing something like otto's or cories, are also at risk from the bigger fish.

Yes, they're cories. I just checked.

So far, they're big enough to avoid any problems. However, they don't grow nearly as fast as the severum, so I'm afraid too. I just posted a thread about that in the cory forum...

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