Cories Dying


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2007
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hey guys. i just added 7 peppered cories to my 75 gallon freshwater. Right now, its just them and 10 danios. They are all juveniles and are at most a little more than an inch long (probably less) The last 2 days, i have woken up to find one of them dead with its tail caught in the intake pipe of my aquaclear 110. Ive got the flow on its lowest level, yet this still happened a 2nd time. The first cory was clearly the runt of the litter, and was missing an eye, but this 2nd one was a little bigger and stronger. Why did this happen? What can i do to keep it from happening? Thanks alot for any advice

edit: and before someone asks, water quality is fine. Amonia and nitrites are both at 0, nitrates are at 20. Ph 7.2
fish (even small ones) should be able to comfortably swim against the flow of the filter unless they are un-well, i've lost a few fish to teh filter and invariable i've ended up loosing more from the same species/batch. i've always attributed the deaths to either poor breeding or an underlying problem with the fish.
so you're saying that they were just weak? in general, they seem to have slight trouble swimming accross the tank against th filter flow, but it always just looks like they are playing.
could be either

a - too young to be out of the fry tank yet (unlikely)
b - from poor stock and just generally weak fish
c - harbouring a disease which hasn't properly manifested itself yet
fair enough. thanks. ill keep an eyes out for disease. Hopefully the rest hang tough. Id hate to lose them all. This hasnt exactly been the start i was hoping for with my new tank
When I had a tank with an internal filter, I had two golden gouramis, healthy and young though not really that small.
One day we couldn't find one of them - looked all round the tank, on the floor in case he had jumped out - everywhere.
Eventually we took the filter apart and realised that somehow he must have swum into one of the vertical slats and got stuck in the bottom of the filter. The remaining gourami kept touching the slats with his tentacles for a long time afterward which was very sad. One would have thought that all filters should be safe against fish getting caught up in them.
I'm having the same problem with one of my corys. Today I noticed that he has two small wounds in the gill areas. From times to times, he is stuck tot he filter's input part. I don't know what's going on. I did a water change yesterday. My ammonia is fairly high (0.40 PPM), and that's unusual, but I've been gone the whole week-end and my friend who came to feed the fish might have overfed them...

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