Large Tank Setup


New Member
May 23, 2007
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Montreal, Canada
Ok, here it goes. I have purchased a new tank this summer. It's 6 feet long, with a capacity of 130 gallons. There's some anubias, java fern and some Vallisneria Gigantea. There's a lot of rocks and numerous large root-like pieces of wood that I purchased at my local pet shop. I've got an UV filter. It's cycling well.

Currently, there's a plecosthomus gibbiceps (about 6 inches long), two larger severums (4 and 6 inches), my bf's blood parrot (5 inches long), an electric blue jack (1.5 inch), a blue acara (2 inches ), some corydoras, a geophagos surinamensis (2 inches) and a geophagos brasiliensis (1.5 inch). I added last month two baby severums (1 inch each).

All is well, but do I risk having aggressivity problems in the tank?

As for now, there's no problem yet, beside the occasionnal chasing or little fight. I rarely see torn fins, but it happens. I might introduce my two other small pleco (a pleco galaxy and another small one, species unknown, but it's dark blue, if it helps), once they'll be bigger. I might add some corydoras. The only thing I noticed is that my larger severum (a large red and orange male), who used to dominate the tank, tends to keep to himself more and he has become a fussy eater. Now he only wants to eat vegetables and frozen food!

Would it be pushing my luck if I added a baby synspilum? I know they grow very large and that they can be territorial, but it would be raised with the other cichlids. I love them and I have the opportunity of getting a very small one. Should I?
I can not answer your question but would love to see a pic of your tank it sounds wonderful :)

As soon as I can find a camera!

My fish are for the most part very small, so there's not much to see yet, but I'm quite happy with the set up. I have some nice geods, with tiny crystals inside. They're so pretty. My only gripe is the vallisneria growing too big. I have to cut it often, and then it looks ugly (darn!). Also, my fish seem to love chewing them. My finicky red severum seems to be very fond of them. :/

If I can find a way to restore my sickly female jack dempsey, I will transfer her back in the tank, but I doubt she'll be better anytime soon :-(
aww I hope she gets better soon I am doing plants from the amazon in my tank someone suggested vallisneria (i think thats what is was Giant something a rather) but I thought it may be an issue with it getting too big so far i have gone with the amazon sword and grass wort going to add some red devil and black amazon sword along with some drift wood and slate rock :)
aww I hope she gets better soon I am doing plants from the amazon in my tank someone suggested vallisneria (i think thats what is was Giant something a rather) but I thought it may be an issue with it getting too big so far i have gone with the amazon sword and grass wort going to add some red devil and black amazon sword along with some drift wood and slate rock :)

I like the amazon sword plants, but I was told that my severums might chomp them to death... I might try them nonethless.

If your tank is very deep (I mean it, very, very deep), then the giant vallisneria are a nice choice. They grow well and fast. I add fertilizer from times to times and they grow so fast it's unbelievable. I wonder if they're safe for human consumption, because they'd certainly cut on my food bill lol :hyper:

My fish love to uproot them, so they can eat the roots. I think they do it for fun too. I could cover the roots with rocks I guess, but I'd end up having to chop them anyway since they grow too fast, so it's funnier to let the fish do what they like with them. It's fun watching them toy with the plants. I don't have any plants in my smaller tank (that I use for quarantine), yet when I introduced the smaller severums, they immediately knew that the vallisneria were edible (aren't they bright?). I'm watching one of the babies having a go at a large leaf. So cute!

I have seen some smaller varieties, but vallisnerias are definitely large plants, but as they grow so fast, you don't have to care much about them.

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