One Thing After Another...


Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
I'm going to make this short and sweet.

I have an uncycled, over-stocked tank crammed with as much zeonite as I can, just to put off an ammonia spike until the fish are healthier.

I started treating for ich today (super ich cure from the people who make stress-coat), then noticed my elephant nose are covered in greyish slime I'm convinced is chilodonella.

I need to know what medicine I can use along with the ich cure, and FAST.

I will get pics up soon as possible.
I'm going to make this short and sweet.

I have an uncycled, over-stocked tank crammed with as much zeonite as I can, just to put off an ammonia spike until the fish are healthier.

I started treating for ich today (super ich cure from the people who make stress-coat), then noticed my elephant nose are covered in greyish slime I'm convinced is chilodonella.

I need to know what medicine I can use along with the ich cure, and FAST.

I will get pics up soon as possible.

I'm having a very similar problem: first ich, and then Chilodonella. I've tryied treating my affliged severum and one of the two jack dempsey (the one I was able to catch!) using a salt bath. It has helped clear out the whitish film on the severum, but it still has very laboured breathing and it's quite stressed. The jack seems fine. I can't add the salt to the tank directly because I've got a cory still alive (the poor thing has lost its two other cary friends) and I don't want to make it suffer - it's in good health. I'll run to the pet store tomorrow to buy a new tank (to make a hospital tank). Right now I'm wondering what I can do to help my severum get better... :-(

I can't help you more.
Overstocked tank and parasites will take it toll on a fish.
Don't add anything more to the tank then the parasite med.
You already done the damage with overstocking a tank bad water quality.
Parasites can cause bacterial infections on top, you will have to ride it out.
I would just use the parasite med raise temp, and increase aeration in the tank.
Till you sort your stocking out in the tank the fish won't be healthy.
Good luck.
the absolute 100% best thing you can do for your tank right now is get it cycled

best way is to get some mature media from someone's tank and put it in your filter

if not then try Bio Spira if your in the US or Bactinettes if your in the UK, but only buy them if they have been refrigerated or they are useless.
I'm going to the LFS later today, going to buy plants, maracide, bio-spira and ask for some used filter media.

The elephant noses died. :(

They were both on the bottom. I thought they were supposed to look slimy like that, so I didn't think it was chilodonella, as all the elephant noses he had looked the same.

I'm never going to that store again.
I bought an antibacterial (that can be used in conjunction with the ich treatment) and a few hours after I dosed, the fish are having films fall off of them. Good stuff. :)

I used Melafix, if anyone wants to know.
I'm never going to that store again.

I don't know the specifics of the store you mean. However, judging from the overstocking and the uncycled tank I would say if that was the store's reccomendation...please don't go there. Good Luck, once the tank is cycled it gets better, really! Melafix is my messiah, I add it all the time cause it smells good too!
I don't plan on going back, even for food.

He told me elephant nose will eat flakes, and plecos stay small. -.- He then told me a different story today.

I returned the dead ( :-( ) elephant nose, he gave me a store credit. I'll use it at a different one once I get my cycle done. It's amazing the difference they have. They're bot Petlands, the bad one has fish with ich and chilodonella, and plenty of dead ones, the good one is MUCH better, even if they don't have as many fish, or elephant noses.
FYI: Most ick medicines are harmful to elephant nose fish; I believe anything with malachite green is bad for scaleless fish. I'm still trying to figure out if melafix is alright for them. Sorry they didn't make it; they are really cool fish.

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