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  1. P

    Cichlid Idenification Question?

    panaque?! :P No, thank you! i still must say i think it looks like a pseudotropheus :)
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    Cichlid Idenification Question?

    it is the three fishes on the bottom of this page. allmost impossible to catch a picture of him cause he is very fast. Pictures
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    Cichlid Idenification Question?

    Exiled you could help me if you are bored ;) i have a pseudotropheus i am having problem figuring out. it could be a zebra but on mine the stripes continues on the fin on its back. picture of the pseudotropheus :wub:
  4. P


    keep us posted :) We will cross our fingers and tows.
  5. P

    Look.. my first ever tank :D

    Grats with your new tank :) It looks great :kewlpics:
  6. P


    Neontetras are not the easiest to breed... Maybe you allready know how but if you are going to make them breed you have to have very soft water (1-2 dGH), ph around 5 and a teperature at 24 C. You allso have to remember to protect the eggs from light. The eggs opens after about 24 hours...
  7. P

    What are your tank stats?

    This is not a clean plantaquarium but it has a lot of plants. i am not sure about all the plants names. Here is what i remember (probably a bad mix as i only have bought what i think looks great): Limnophila sessiliflora Myriophyllum mattogrossense Gymnocorons spilanthoides (i think) Acorus...
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    Recent nano-reef pics

    and thats why I would like to getmyself a reeftank. :kewlpics:
  9. P

    Electric Yellow Cichlid

    Some things to help them on their way is to keep the water temperature about 26C, medium hard water and ph around 8. A safe bet is to have many (3-4) females and one male. To seperate the sex is hard on small fishes. The female gets bigger than the male and the female have some small spots on...
  10. P

    Will my javamoss grow back

    thanx for the advise. I will try to save it in a glass or something. kinda sad as none of the shops here sells javamoss.
  11. P

    Will my javamoss grow back

    Hey I bought some javamoss from a shop a bit far from here that was brown. First I thought it was some kind of javamoss unknown to me but after asking around it must be a kind that is unknown to most people. (so my conclusion is that it is dead?) The problem is that it is starting to cloudy my...
  12. P

    how would you like to work here?

    nice. I have a tank in my office too. Not that cool though :D just a normal tank with some convicts in :)
  13. P

    Are there any Dwarf African Cichlids

    kribs works well in comunity tanks. if you have enough hidingplaces you may be able to get them to breed too (hidingplaces is essential for them to like it). They allso like heavily planted tanks.
  14. P

    160l tank

    I guess you are right. no mountains on my cam I´m afraid. Well well. works on a distance. but would be nice with pictures of the babyfishes etc..
  15. P

    Rockwall background

    Yes I would love to see more pics too. preferely after installing it in a tank too :)
  16. P

    Wahhh! I can't get any good pics!

    I have the same problem. I think the only sollution is getting a cam with manual zoom.
  17. P

    160l tank

    I could show images on the page :D Sorry for reposting. But here comes a serie: This is my 160l tank This is the Albino Convict mother with the eggs. Hard to see them because of bad focus but they are right of the mother This is the Palette cichlid mother and her about 80? small...
  18. P

    160l tank

    Here is small picture off my 160l tank. I had some problems taking the picture. The cam had problems with the focus. Any tip? Anyways. in this tank there is Palette Chiclid and Albino Convict Chiclid. Actually pairs of both have small fishes now so as you can guess there is some action there...
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    Rockwall background

    You have done a superb job man! Which day is best for you do make me one of that? :hyper:
  20. P


    None of the mentioned :) It may sound boring. but from all my cichlids the Albino Convict is the favorite. It is beautifull, playfull, smart and did I mention beautifull? some may think white is boring, but white against grenn plants and dark stones and roots is perhabs one of the most...
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    N.Lelupi Orange won't eat

    Well he not going to be lonely long. I have ordered two more and two more Albino Convict which I am pretty sure will mate :)
  22. P

    N.Lelupi Orange won't eat

    i am happy to inform that my N.Lelupi now eats and swims around. It just needed some time I guess. Another "happy" story. I added a palette cichlid male for my two female palette cichilid today and now they are dansing and showing off all they are good for. If only my Jade Eye will leave the...
  23. P

    I swear... no one ever chats!

    hmmm nobody knows what ircserver and channel this is?
  24. P

    I'm new

    hey welcome here. I am new too really :) Found the page the same way as you did.
  25. P

    Pics of My Reef Tank

    wow. this was beautifull. this reminds me why I wan't to get a marina aquarium. bunt can't afford another setup right now :)
  26. P

    What fish is this?

    btw. how can I see the sex without have something to compare with. from what I read I can see it on the sice and the colors. As this is an albino and there is nothing to compare with it would be nice to know. Anyone have a tip?
  27. P

    What fish is this?

    Thank you, found some pictures of it and thats the fish :) So it was a chiclid like thought (knew?) :)
  28. P

    I swear... no one ever chats!

    is this chatrom web only? if it is on irc. what server and channel is it? I don't have Java installed so cant use the Live Chat link.
  29. P

    What fish is this?

    Hey My gf bought a fish a year ago. in the start we thought it was a gourami as that is what she was told at the zoo-shop. Now I am not so sure anymore. I have looked in gouramibooks without managing to find this fish. The behaviour and shape of the fish makes me think chiclid but I am not...
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    N.Lelupi Orange won't eat

    well I guess he kinda is the "odd" one in the gang. Hopefully he will start eating at some point. if not I guess it is better off back at the zoo-shop. I could try getting another one of the same type and look if it gets better. The water quality is another subject off couse. I have never...
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    Thanx you everybody. I am kinda happy with my tank now too. It looks much better now that the plants have started to grow. I will add some new pictures when I think it is "where I wan't it"
  32. P

    N.Lelupi Orange won't eat

    Hey I have just (about a week ago) added an Neolamprologus leleuoi to my chiclid family. The problem is I am unable to getting it to eat and settle down. It keeps itself to one side of the tank and dont show slightest interest in eating. I am feeding my fishes with Dr. Bassleer biofish food so...
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    my tank!

    This tank looked nice. Be sure to close the curtns <- is that right? The thing in front of the windows :) when there are sunny. if not your tank will soon be covered in green algae.
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    Hello My name is Gjøran and i am from a town called molde in Norway. I have been a hobby aqarists for many years. I have two tanks. one 160litres and on 60litre. The biggest one is mainly a chiclid tank and the smaller one is mainly for fishes goldfishes which my girl likes a lot. I have some...
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    Fish of the month October 2003

    Hey What is the fish down under the Freshmike at the votable pictures? i have this fish which may be the same kind. I am unable to figure out what fish it is. it is very territorial and bosses my chiclids around. thanx.