I swear... no one ever chats!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Whenever I get on at night, there's always a billion people on, but do they check the chat room for me? nooooooooo! :lol: Meanies... I think it would be a blast to talk fish with y'all, check the chat room sometime, I'll keep an eye out for ya :p.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I always forget about it & when I remember I'm too shy to bust in there :lol: :lol: ,I wish there was a who's chatting list underneath the who's here list :D
Well get un-shy you goof!! :lol: I'd love to talk to you, bust in whenever you want to, I know anyone would love to talk.
I always check in, but it seems all people want to do in there (the kids) is make fun of the older people......not very inviting.... :no:
is this chatrom web only? if it is on irc. what server and channel is it? I don't have Java installed so cant use the Live Chat link.
miiiiiiike *whines* You're one of the ones I'd love to talk to!! I never see anyone in there, much less any "youngins"... unless I'm considered one.. :huh: Just give it another try sometime, maybe it'll be better! :D
Of course I don't consider you a young one!!!! I was speaking of the youngers that act like they are 5....u know what I mean. :D
i check most of the time everytime a log on, but only once there were a couple of people to talk to. 'guppy muzza' was one of them. :D
Unless I too am classed as one of the "youngsters" who acts like Im' 5, then I'll be more than happy to chat to people, Elzor, freshmike, Wuvmybetta, et al, you have all been helpful to me, I'd love to chat....! :D
I chat with some of the other regulars pretty much every day in the chat room. Sometimes there are to many people in there and it becomes impossible to have any sensible dialog.

I agree, it is irritating when the "kids" start acting up, shows there level of maturity.

There is certainly no reason to be shy in there - I regard myself as shy, but with the chat room, you can always "edit" what you are going to say before you say it - something you can't do when talking in real life!
hi julie,some of us are have a time difference so its like ships that pass in the night.. but... if you want to chat why not post a topic in the tropical chit chat... ''anyone want a chat'' that way it will bring to peoples notice , that you are in the chatroom and would like to chat. :nod: :) pebbles
I would like to chat, but at work, which is where I am now, we have about 8 firewalls and can't use irc.

When I am at home I will try to remember to check it.

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