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  1. C

    Attention All Corydoras Lovers

    WOW :hyper: :drool: i going to be using some of these for sure and a special thanks to you all keep them coming and i have a special thanks to SuperColey1 for that cool picture of the Schultzei next to a shrimp. before i use any photo i want to make sure that it is ok so SuperColey1 is it ok...
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    this is gold keep them coming
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    Attention All Corydoras Lovers

    :shout: Attention all Corydoras lovers i am attempting to make a website that will provide a huge range of information about tropical freshwater fish. and i would live it if you can all contribute some photo, you will recieve create and be acknowledge. :shout: so start uploading NOW!!!
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    sorry about the lack of detail. i need any photos of livebearers for my site. oh and a special thanks go to chrisandmarie for the photo they will be put to good use as you just gave me an great idea. :good:
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    :shout: Photo please making a website photo required!!! credit will be given
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    Now Listen Up

    :shout: :shout: :shout: everybody would you please contribute a photo of any tropical fish for my website which i will be making please anything and as soon as possible :shout: :shout: :shout:
  7. C

    1 single fry found wen doing a water change!

    there could be more keep a good look out.
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    A Single Fry?

    here somthing that will make them grow a hell lot faster try to get your hands on some frozen dry bloodwords and crush that with the flake to to increase it growth rate.
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    Male Swordtail

    why not sell the baby to the pet shop for store credit or something rather than keeping only males.
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    How Long Does Kribs Egg Take To Hatch

    does anyone know how long it takes for the eggs to hacth?
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    Cross Breeding Platys ?

    hope you have room to keep all the babys/fry because they breed like rabbits! :)
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    Breeding Platys

    that not alway the case my swordtail just breed and they the same colour as there mother. i had a red female and a green male and the frys are turning out as red as there mother.
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    Male Swordtail Compatibility

    hum i had a problem with one of my male swords before i just added serval female to make it happy. never add only one female sword tail to one male the female should outnumber the males to reduce stress on the females while keeping the male happy.
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    I've Got Eggs!

    my cory spwan a few days ago and i lost them because of a stupied sword tail anyway. you should get them out of the main tank before they are eaten. and make it quick because other fish see them as tasty snacks.
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    I Got Pepper Catfish Eggs!

    not good not good at all all my eggs been eaten by my sword tail that jumped into my breeding trap where the eggs are. oh man i have to start again man they were one day away from hatching. :angry: :crazy:
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    What Should I Get?

    i got a four foot tank and a two foot tank.
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    doe any one own kribs and does anyone know how to breed them i think i have a male and a female by the looks of there colour. anyway i just need tips for breeding them any help would be greatly excepted thanks.
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    What Should I Get?

    i want more cory what should i get a bronze,panda,skunk or a adolfo's cory.
  19. PandaCory_1_.jpg


  20. arcuatus2_1_.jpg


  21. aeneus_1_.jpg


  22. adolfoi_1_.jpg


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    I Got Pepper Catfish Eggs!

    wow cool i see what i can get my hands on. i live in a coastal area with many pet shops so i see what they have. thanks all for helping i post some pic when there hatch after i buy a new camera my old one dead anywho thanks. :good: :hyper: :rolleyes:
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    I Got Pepper Catfish Eggs!

    does anyone have suggestions about what i should feed the pepper cats i have no live food to feed it when it hatch and the only thing i can get my hand on is frozen brine shimp. will that do or are they too big for the fry's? :unsure: and does anyone know how many eggs a pepper cat can...
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    Will Bettas Eat Guppy Fry?

    best thing to do is to leave the guppys in there many tank as some people have already stated as it maybe the most effective and less crule. it is best to leave it to the other tank mates to take out the unwanted fry before they can even grow. i had 50 unwanted guppys sadly since i already got...
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    Will Dwarf Gourami's Eat Guppy Fry?

    well first of all i would not put my frys in with any other fish with a mouth thats big enough to eats the fry cause it could well try to eat the fry but if it seem like that the fry is not been chased around to much it should be ok.
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    Zebra Danios Eat Guppy Fry?

    looks like your doing well good luck to you!!! may i ask you what your feeding your frys? :shifty:
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    Guppy Fry

    umm it so intresting been on a forum like this for me as i always keep my aquarium experiance to my self but i share some any who! to make sure that your fry/baby fish grows faster on dry food see if you can get your hands on frozen dry bloodworm and crumble them into powders to feed the fry the...
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    What Should I Do :o!

    oh poor thing i remember whe my peppared corys got suck up too and it couldn't swim around for a few days properly, he should be fine unless his swimming blader is badly damaged but it should be ok
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    Panda Cory Breeding

    breeding is hard but set the tank up to there likeings are even harder and not to metion raring the fry would been even harder. after all if the tank isn't set up properlly to there likeing they will not breed. my opion about the plants would be to use live plants as they provide soft spwaning...
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    Eggs At Last

    you guy seem like your really into breeding catfish. so what it like try to breed them