I Got Pepper Catfish Eggs!


New Member
May 21, 2008
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does anyone have suggestions about what i should feed the pepper cats i have no live food to feed it when it hatch and the only thing i can get my hand on is frozen brine shimp. will that do or are they too big for the fry's? :unsure:

and does anyone know how many eggs a pepper cat can produce. :unsure:

thanks Chenny
Frozen brine shrimp will be much too large. You could grow some baby brine shrimp while your cory eggs are hatching and they would be a decent early food. You can get eggs in a tube at the fish store. Another approach to feeding very small fry is to give them a little egg yolk using an eye dropper. You will need to clean after each feeding but it works.
Hi chenny :)

I'd recommend getting a culture of microworms started too. It will take a week or two to get them producing (depending on the size of the culture you start with) but they will still be worth the effort. Once you get a culture started you can keep it going to have ready food for future spawns too.

In the meantime, they can do without food for the first day or two while they are absorbing their yolk sacs, and you can then start them off on LiquiFry from your lfs. I don't recommend using egg yolks for corys since it fouls the water and bottom of the tank too easily.

Whatever you choose, be sure you do lots of water changes to remove uneaten bits.

Lots of luck with them! :D

For variety I also use Hikari First Bites. I soak a small amount in some water for several minutes, turn the filter and air stones off while I'm waiting to stop the current in the tank, then pour it into the tank. Because it's been soaked it sinks to the bottom quite quickly. Once it's settled I turn everything back on.

Also, I don't have any substrate in the tank to make cleaning up easier.

I also do a 10 - 20% water change every day buy siphoning up the 'crap' using an air hose.

Good luck and cheers.
wow cool i see what i can get my hands on. i live in a coastal area with many pet shops so i see what they have. thanks all for helping i post some pic when there hatch after i buy a new camera my old one dead anywho thanks. :good: :hyper: :rolleyes:
not good not good at all all my eggs been eaten by my sword tail that jumped into my breeding trap where the eggs are. oh man i have to start again man they were one day away from hatching. :angry: :crazy:

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