Breeding Platys


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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ie could you breed a orangey/golden/red platy with a micky mouse one etc etc? i saw some bizarre coloured platy today and would love to get some but wondered if they would breed with my ones?
yeah they will breed together but mostly wil end up as a mix of their parents e.g. if male was red female was yellow half would be red half would be yellow
yeah they will breed together but mostly wil end up as a mix of their parents e.g. if male was red female was yellow half would be red half would be yellow

that not alway the case my swordtail just breed and they the same colour as there mother. i had a red female and a green male and the frys are turning out as red as there mother.
It's pretty much a guarantee that they will already be pregnant and probably not to males of the same strain. In my experience it's very hard to linebreed platies from the store. You have to take what you get and then take the F1 (first generation born to you) fry and linebreed those - ie separate males from females and start controlling the breeding. So buy whatever the heck you please and if it breeds true you're very lucky.

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