Eggs At Last

Do you mind if I ask what temp you are keeping them at? Peppers actually like rather chilly temperatures. They can be happy well below 70 degree F. Are the eggs at the same temp as the adults?

Just a thought.

As I said, I don't get as good growouts with my peppers as with some other species, although they lay plenty of eggs.

Amanda has been trying to get fry from her albino peppers for a very long time now.
Iv had around 70 eggs from my albinos (standard not pepper) and i think i have about 3 fry from them. They just dont seem to survive, they hatch but then dissapear >.< My panda fry however is more of a 90% success rate :D
Where are you from Cooper? I see you around, but never know where you're from as not on your profile or posting tag.
Im from Mansfield mate near Nottingham.

Iv only been keeping fish since January but im now addicted and know more than your average pets at home shopper (although thats not hard) :d:D
you guy seem like your really into breeding catfish. so what it like try to breed them
Got home today and have removed a few fungus ridden eggs, but more amazingly I can definately see black dots for the first time ever in most of the eggs - excitement levels in my household have just risen somewhat hehe :good:
Got home today and have removed a few fungus ridden eggs, but more amazingly I can definately see black dots for the first time ever in most of the eggs - excitement levels in my household have just risen somewhat hehe :good:

Congrats , bring on the baby shower !!! :hyper:
More progress, the black dots are now moving inside the egg shells......cant be much longer now.

My only concern is that the eggs are in a breeding trap rather than a net and I'm fearful they may escape through the slits into the main tank - anyone any thoughts on this and how to move them when they hatch?
More progress, the black dots are now moving inside the egg shells......cant be much longer now.

My only concern is that the eggs are in a breeding trap rather than a net and I'm fearful they may escape through the slits into the main tank - anyone any thoughts on this and how to move them when they hatch?

If its any help, I got some aquarium silicone and "splodged" all the holes up initally when they were just past wriggling .. I then did partial water changes at regular intervals until they were big enough to go into another breeder with the slits in ..
Scoop out the breeding trap with a 'right sized' bucket then float the bucket in the main tank (for temperature control). Put in a couple of air stones.

When the eggs hatch and after they've used up their egg sacks, dump the contents of the trap into the bucket then move then all to a separate tank OR transfer them into a floating net.

Good luck.
I just re-did my 3ft into a grow out tank, the little fish love the room :D
hi gazo all i used to do when mine hatched and i wanted to move them from container to container without geting the crap out the first container is use the pipets what you get with ure meds just use a nail to widen the end then suck them up put them in a container them move them were i wanted them :good:
I think we're on the same wavelength cos I was thinking about the pipette method.

Will let you all know how it goes over the weekend - fully expecting hatch central tonight.
Make sure you do widen it though, if you dont they can get damaged fins when you suck them up (as i found out).

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