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  1. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Noo this Java fern has been in my tank for a while and was really thriving. But now it's just gone brown, the bigger leaves look like their being burnt from the outside in. Java moss is starting to look a little brownish too. The only thing I have changed is adding liquid CO2 everyday, and...
  2. Gidge

    New To The Forums

    Hey there, welcome to the forum! I can't help you your Betta problem as I'm not a Betta person myself, but hopefully someone will be along shortly to give you a hand :) As for uploading pictures. You need to upload your photos onto a photo-sharing site, such as photobucket. Once you have...
  3. Gidge

    What The Heck Are My Clown Loaches Doing?

    Cute! They were at it for quite a while, but they've stopped now and gone back to normal colour.
  4. Gidge

    What The Heck Are My Clown Loaches Doing?

    Ohkay. I thought maybe they were 2 females. I've had them for a few years, they were bought at the same time. The reason I thought they were females is because I read that females get bigger then the males. My 3rd clown loach is about 3/4 of the size that they are. This is the first time I've...
  5. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks! My java fern is dying :/ Or I think it's dying. It's turning brown on the outer edges.
  6. Gidge

    Pregnant Platy? Pls Comment.

    Mine have often had the dark spot for weeks and not dropped. I wouldn't panic. You'll learn when to separate her through experience. But it is best to just let nature go, provide plenty of cover (plants) for the fry and see how they go :)
  7. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Texas is looking relatively back to normal :) He's back to playing in the current. I am SO relieved! Thanks to all for the advise and support. Much appreicated.
  8. Gidge

    Pregnant Platy? Pls Comment.

    Hard to tell if she is pregnant or not, but if she is, she has a long way to go. I don't usually put them in breeder traps, I let nature take it's course. If you wanted to separate her, I would wait till it looks like she is about to burst. I'm not the best at judging when to separate them, as...
  9. Gidge

    What The Heck Are My Clown Loaches Doing?

    Hey guys, So caught 2 of my loaches doing this just earlier. Their colour went really pale. I don't know if they're fighting or? The other clown loach, wasn't even bothered, he just swam around doing his own thing. Anyone seen...
  10. Gidge

    Cichlid Id Needed.

    +1 Looks like that to me tooo :)
  11. Gidge

    Noob From The Northeast Of England ....

    Hey Paul, welcome to the forum :) Take a look at the beginners resource section. It will tell you everything you need to know about cycling :)
  12. Gidge

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Okay, those dimensions sound a bit better :P (I'm thinking, this guy has got a massive tank and he doesn't even know it!) I added my Kribs when my Tigers were quite small and they didn't bother them. Though depending on how 'tiny' yours are, it's totally up to you whether you feel comfortable...
  13. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Hahaha! Nice! And thanks, it's coming along a little better :)
  14. Gidge

    Whats You Fav Paranormal Freaky Film?

    The Haunting in Connecticut really freaked me out!
  15. Gidge

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Are you sure on these dimensions? Because that would make your tank about 180gallons, off the top of my head. It can't be 4ft long.
  16. Gidge

    29 Gallon Stocking

    :crazy: Sorry. In that case. You could go 12 Tigers/Green Tigers(maybe do 6 and 6) and 12 Rosy's. or You could still treat them as a different species, and give them a whole school of thier own!
  17. Gidge

    It's Here! Suggestions?

    Yehp! The Trilineatus are the ones I like. Thankyou for clearing that up :) Something new I've learnt today!
  18. Gidge

    29 Gallon Stocking

    What about a pair of Kribensis. Again, I'm not sure how they would go with Kuhli Loaches, I really have no experience with them.
  19. Gidge

    Please Share Your Stories :d

    Those orbs follow me around as well I think. Alot of photo's that get taken of me, I have orbs around me. But it's not just one or 2. there's heaps! When I went away for work, my boss took a photo of me in the lounge room, and we counted 24 orbs around me. and 2 pretty big ones just touching my...
  20. Gidge

    My Blue Ram

    How adorable. Makes me miss my rams even more :(
  21. Gidge

    55 Gallon Planted Community

    Ohmygoshh! Your panda's are so adorable! It looks like it tickles haha. Tank is looking fab, good job :good:
  22. Gidge

    29 Gallon Stocking

    I would either get rid of the Green barb, and up the numbers of both your Tigers and Rosy's. or Up numbers of all 3. Perhaps 8 of each. What are the dimensions of your tank? I'm not too familiar with Kuhli loaches. I'm sure someone will come along and give you a hand with that.
  23. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Wow I've never heard of that before! Will have to look into it, thanks :) Update: Texas is looking better again. His mouth is nearly closed, which I've concluded must be a good sign. The discolouration on the Johanni's seem to be gone. And the Krib seems to be on the mend :) The Texas has been...
  24. Gidge

    It's Here! Suggestions?

    Get some Sterbai Corys. They're my favourite :P Orrr Juli Cory's (Three lined Cory's) They go by so many different names here :/
  25. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Yahhh :) He ate well just before too. He was hungry! That's a good sign. Thanks for the support :)
  26. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Just tested my water. Parameters are: Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5-10ppm pH: 7.8 Good news. Texas is coming out every now and then for a swim. His mouth is almost closed. Touch wood and fingers crossed he is on the mend!
  27. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    I thought of putting the Vallis there, but didn't want it to get stuck to the filter :/ I'm thinking I want some sort of 'pebble mountain' on the right hand side, with that little bit of wood poking out of it. Also thinking of putting some "Anubias Nana Local" on that little piece, but will...
  28. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Oh that sounds horrible. Sorry to hear that. I've never smelt Pimafix before. Melafix smells like tea tree to me.
  29. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    I personally don't mind the smell haha. At least it's natural. Why so many chemicals in your tank??
  30. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Got 3 more pots of hair grass today :) But I forgot the pebbles! *Idiot*
  31. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Yep. Hence why I was doing a water change haha. Just re dosed with Melafix. The Johanni's are looking pretty good. Krib still has some discolouration. The Texas looks 50% better then yesterday. his mouth is nearly closed. He wasn't too happy when he got a whiff of the Melafix though. He...
  32. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    As of yesterday: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 40-80ppm pH: 7.8
  33. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    They are adorable :) Very entertaining to watch. I haven't tested my water today. But I tested yesterday when I noticed he was sick. All levels were fine, except for Nitrate, but like I said, I was about to do a water change haha.
  34. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    No worries, I need to get some more Melafix anyway. I do have a test kit. API liquid. I don't have carbon in my filter atm. Just sponge. I'm running an Otto 2000 Internal. (Texas and clowns love playing in that current :))
  35. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    The Johanni's are looking a little better. The discolouration seems to be lessening. I also have a large Kribensis in there (I know, not really ideal tank mates, but he was a rogue in my mums tank, so I chucked him in there and he got sorted out pretty quick) he looks like he has some...
  36. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    No I have sand for my substrate. It has to be some kind of mouth fungus, when I looked inside his mouth yesterday it looked like it was full of cotton wool.. I just wanted to grab tweezers and yank it out! I did wonder at first if he had broken a bit of coral off and it got stuck.
  37. Gidge

    New Or Ghetto

    That is my worst fear! haha. I was pretty lucky with mine. While taking the tank back to my house, we were in a car accident. Got hit from behind, and it didn't crack! So I'm claiming it was meant to be haha.
  38. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    Water parameters are perfect, but was due for a water change. I did the water change anyway. About 40% (I hadnt done one for 2 weeks :crazy: ) I don't have a hospital tank :( I don't want to jynx this, but Texas is looking a little better today. His mouth isn't as wide open. To the point I...
  39. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    All the fish are listed in my sig. 110G one. I only put a little salt in because of the clown loaches. I need to know what I can do to treat this. It's stressing me out big time. I can't watch animals suffer :(
  40. Gidge

    Something Wrong With My Texas :(

    I feel like crying :( My Texas looks so sad. He swims up to me and just stares at me. I feel so hopeless :(