Something Wrong With My Texas :(

Yes that's always a good sign.

There is anecdotal evidence that garlic extract on the food is good for the immune system - you may want to try that.

(I used it when I had a reef tank on clownfish and it did seem to help - although I am sure there are those who would argue against it!)
Yes that's always a good sign.

There is anecdotal evidence that garlic extract on the food is good for the immune system - you may want to try that.

(I used it when I had a reef tank on clownfish and it did seem to help - although I am sure there are those who would argue against it!)
Wow I've never heard of that before! Will have to look into it, thanks :)

Update: Texas is looking better again. His mouth is nearly closed, which I've concluded must be a good sign. The discolouration on the Johanni's seem to be gone. And the Krib seems to be on the mend :)

The Texas has been coming out for more and more swims, and hasn't been hiding by the filter as much. So I'm stoked. Hopefully I've gotten on top of it.
Will continue dosing the Melafix for 7 days as instructed on the bottle.
Texas is looking relatively back to normal :) He's back to playing in the current. I am SO relieved! Thanks to all for the advise and support. Much appreicated.

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