Something Wrong With My Texas :(

I would keep up with what you are doing since it seems to be working. Do you have a test kit? Also, do you have carbon in your filter?
I would keep up with what you are doing since it seems to be working. Do you have a test kit? Also, do you have carbon in your filter?

No worries, I need to get some more Melafix anyway. I do have a test kit. API liquid. I don't have carbon in my filter atm. Just sponge. I'm running an Otto 2000 Internal. (Texas and clowns love playing in that current :))
How are your water levels? Good no carbon as it serves to remove the medication from the tank...

Awe they sound cute!
How are your water levels? Good no carbon as it serves to remove the medication from the tank...

Awe they sound cute!

They are adorable :) Very entertaining to watch.
I haven't tested my water today. But I tested yesterday when I noticed he was sick. All levels were fine, except for Nitrate, but like I said, I was about to do a water change haha.
As of yesterday:

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 40-80ppm
pH: 7.8
Yep. Hence why I was doing a water change haha.

Just re dosed with Melafix. The Johanni's are looking pretty good. Krib still has some discolouration. The Texas looks 50% better then yesterday. his mouth is nearly closed. He wasn't too happy when he got a whiff of the Melafix though. He flared his gills up and went a little psyco for a second.
Yep. Hence why I was doing a water change haha.

Just re dosed with Melafix. The Johanni's are looking pretty good. Krib still has some discolouration. The Texas looks 50% better then yesterday. his mouth is nearly closed. He wasn't too happy when he got a whiff of the Melafix though. He flared his gills up and went a little psyco for a second.

lol yea that smell makes me sick too! I have wayyyy too many chemicals in my tank.... THANK GOD tomorrow I get to change 50% of water!
I personally don't mind the smell haha. At least it's natural.
Why so many chemicals in your tank??
um all fish are flashing, one fish has a big fungus/growth no one knows on his side.... treating with pimafix, rid-fungus, tetracycline, and anti parasite food

oh i got pim and mel mixed up they prob smell diff
Oh that sounds horrible. Sorry to hear that.
I've never smelt Pimafix before. Melafix smells like tea tree to me.
Just tested my water. Parameters are:

Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5-10ppm
pH: 7.8

Good news. Texas is coming out every now and then for a swim. His mouth is almost closed. Touch wood and fingers crossed he is on the mend!

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