Something Wrong With My Texas :(


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey guys,

So I just walked up to my tank to do a water change, to fine my Texas hanging at the back by the filter with his mouth stuck open. He doesn't appear to be breathing rapidly. His colour isn't dark or anything. He was fine yesterday during feeding, and this morning.

Here's a pic.

His gills look a little puffed out.

He's my favourite :(
Ohmygod. It looks like he's got white stuff in his mouth.

Mouth Fungus??
I've just done some quick research. I've dosed with Melafix, and put 5 tablespoons of salt in.

Anyone had any success with this?
Great. Looks like 2 of my Johannis are getting it. Can see some white discolouration around their mouths. Any help would be great thanks..
Oh No!

I really feel for you! Never had anything like this so can't be of any help sorry.

Keep us posted
I feel like crying :( My Texas looks so sad. He swims up to me and just stares at me. I feel so hopeless :(
What fish are in the tank with the Texas? salt can be really bad for some aquarium friends?
What fish are in the tank with the Texas? salt can be really bad for some aquarium friends?

All the fish are listed in my sig. 110G one. I only put a little salt in because of the clown loaches.

I need to know what I can do to treat this. It's stressing me out big time. I can't watch animals suffer :(
If you seperate the sick ones to a hospital tank youwont have to worry about treatments effecting other fishies
water readings?

do a water change anyway?

Water parameters are perfect, but was due for a water change. I did the water change anyway. About 40% (I hadnt done one for 2 weeks :crazy: )

If you seperate the sick ones to a hospital tank youwont have to worry about treatments effecting other fishies
I don't have a hospital tank :(

I don't want to jynx this, but Texas is looking a little better today. His mouth isn't as wide open. To the point I can't see inside it. Is it possible the melafix and salt could work this quickly? I also read that you can lower the temp to 23c. Can anyone back that up??
The melafix may have had an effect already... do you have a gravel bottom? Is it possible he ate a rock and got it stuck in his throat? Or ate something that could have gotten stuck?
The melafix may have had an effect already... do you have a gravel bottom? Is it possible he ate a rock and got it stuck in his throat? Or ate something that could have gotten stuck?

No I have sand for my substrate. It has to be some kind of mouth fungus, when I looked inside his mouth yesterday it looked like it was full of cotton wool..
I just wanted to grab tweezers and yank it out!

I did wonder at first if he had broken a bit of coral off and it got stuck.
Thats possible... But as long as it seems to be less severe? then you are headed in the right direction. I just noticed you said your other fish may be developing this, which would pretty much eliminate him eating something as its unlikely they all ate something and got it stuck. How are your other fishies doing?
The Johanni's are looking a little better. The discolouration seems to be lessening.
I also have a large Kribensis in there (I know, not really ideal tank mates, but he was a rogue in my mums tank, so I chucked him in there and he got sorted out pretty quick) he looks like he has some discolouration, but that hasn't changed yet.

I was planning to go to my LFS and get some API fungul treatement. Shoud I go with this, or keep dosing with Melafix??

Oh and it deffinitly looks less severe. Like I said, he mouth isn't as open as before. He looked like he was constantly yawning yesterday. And his face and gills looked really puffed out and strained. Today, the mouth is closed more, I can't see into it. And his face looks less puffy.

I just don't want to get my hopes up too soon!

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