29 Gallon Stocking


New Member
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
2 Kuhli Loaches
5 Tiger Barbs
1 Green Tiger Barb
3 Rosy Barbs

What else should I add?
I have already heard that I should add more Kuhli Loaches. Would that be okay?
Also What sorts of plants and hiding spaces do Kuhli Loaches love? Right now they are hiding underneath my bubble cannon.
I would either get rid of the Green barb, and up the numbers of both your Tigers and Rosy's.


Up numbers of all 3. Perhaps 8 of each. What are the dimensions of your tank?
I'm not too familiar with Kuhli loaches. I'm sure someone will come along and give you a hand with that.
hello there i think you should get a few more kuhli loaches probably around 3 more :)
So, by what I am seeing a better tank would be...
5 Kuhli Loaches
8 Tiger Barbs
8 Rosy Barbs
8 Green Tiger Barbs

If I did get rid of the Green Tiger barb would it be

5 Kuhli Loaches
12 Tiger Barbs
12 Rosy Barbs

or do you guys suggest other fish, seems like a lot of the same type of fish for a 29 Gal.

A rough estimate on the dimensions is probably L4*W2*H3 feet
What about a pair of Kribensis.
Again, I'm not sure how they would go with Kuhli Loaches, I really have no experience with them.
I'd just like to point out that the green tiger is just a colour morph of the normal tiger barb, and doesn't need to be treated as a separate species.
I'd just like to point out that the green tiger is just a colour morph of the normal tiger barb, and doesn't need to be treated as a separate species.

:crazy: Sorry.

In that case. You could go 12 Tigers/Green Tigers(maybe do 6 and 6) and 12 Rosy's.


You could still treat them as a different species, and give them a whole school of thier own!
A rough estimate on the dimensions is probably L4*W2*H3 feet

Are you sure on these dimensions? Because that would make your tank about 180gallons, off the top of my head.
It can't be 4ft long.
Yeah, now that I think about it, I realize that there is no way my tank is four feet long.
And I just measured it.
I was wayyyyy off.
24 in Length x 16 in Height x 12 in Width

You got me really excited with the Kribensis. They sound like an awesome fish to have. I believe that they would be fine with the Kuhli Loaches as they the loaches love to hide. Right now my tiger barbs are really tiny, so I think that I'll have to wait until they get bigger to get the Kribensis.

Should I introduce one at a time, or as a pair?
Caves need to be added to my tank, but here is a picture of it as of today.

You could still treat them as a different species, and give them a whole school of their own

Well the green tiger barb stays with the tiger barb school more so than the other tiger barb school. I think I may just get three more green tiger barbs and two more tiger barbs so that thy can be one big school.

12 Tiger Barbs
5 Rosy Barbs (they don't seem to school much)
5 Kuhli Loaches
2 Kribensis
I think your gravel is too large and coarse for kuhli loaches, to be honest. They (and any other fish that has barbels) should really be kept on a sand substrate.

Sorry to drop a spanner in the works, so to speak.
Yeah I know that sand would be preferable, but I got the tank as a starter kit from a local pet store second hand. They said that it should be fine, but sand should be in my future. (Which it is) I know that in the picture the rocks look Huge, but I dont really think that they are that big and they are really smooth. So that should be first before the Kribs and hide cave.
Yeah, now that I think about it, I realize that there is no way my tank is four feet long.
And I just measured it.
I was wayyyyy off.
24 in Length x 16 in Height x 12 in Width

You got me really excited with the Kribensis. They sound like an awesome fish to have. I believe that they would be fine with the Kuhli Loaches as they the loaches love to hide. Right now my tiger barbs are really tiny, so I think that I'll have to wait until they get bigger to get the Kribensis.

Should I introduce one at a time, or as a pair?
Caves need to be added to my tank, but here is a picture of it as of today.


Okay, those dimensions sound a bit better :p (I'm thinking, this guy has got a massive tank and he doesn't even know it!)

I added my Kribs when my Tigers were quite small and they didn't bother them. Though depending on how 'tiny' yours are, it's totally up to you whether you feel comfortable doing it or not :)

I added my Kribs as a pair. Just plopped them straight in, they searched around for a few hours, then found a spot they liked and made that home :) I take it you have done some research on the Kribs then? They can and most likely will, become aggressive if they choose to breed. My pair are not too bad, if anyone comes too close, they just give them a bit of a chase away. But by no means do they hassle my other fish. But do not take that as gospel haha every fish is different.

I also have Kribs with tigers and they get along fine :good:

If you can, you should try get sand as soon as possible. Play sand is relatively cheap. Well it is here anyway ($6 for 30L). Personally I think even the kribs will appreciate it more. Mine love to dig.
I was just thinking, I have a bottom filter. Will that still work with sand, or should I get rid of the bottom filter part.

Okay, those dimensions sound a bit better :p (I'm thinking, this guy has got a massive tank and he doesn't even know it!)

I added my Kribs when my Tigers were quite small and they didn't bother them. Though depending on how 'tiny' yours are, it's totally up to you whether you feel comfortable doing it or not :)

I added my Kribs as a pair. Just plopped them straight in, they searched around for a few hours, then found a spot they liked and made that home :) I take it you have done some research on the Kribs then? They can and most likely will, become aggressive if they choose to breed. My pair are not too bad, if anyone comes too close, they just give them a bit of a chase away. But by no means do they hassle my other fish. But do not take that as gospel haha every fish is different.

I also have Kribs with tigers and they get along fine :good:

If you can, you should try get sand as soon as possible. Play sand is relatively cheap. Well it is here anyway ($6 for 30L). Personally I think even the kribs will appreciate it more. Mine love to dig.

Yeah when I read what I wrote I was WFH? I was writing that really late last night. I would love to have a tank that size. :D I dont think my tigers are even an inch.

Yeah Im really excited about them. I'm looking for a local seller so I can keep an eye on them before I buy them. And so that I can have time to get sand.

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