Search results

  1. Gidge

    Newly Planted Tank

    The tank looks great! I also agree with Zoddy, a black background would make the plants really stand out! I'd like to see more photo's once your done!
  2. Gidge

    Quick Question

    Hey guys, Just got a quick question for you all. I am starting up a new freshwater tank for my Cichlids, and got given some dead/dried out coral that was in a salt water tank. My question to you lovely people is; what is the right way to do a salt clean to make the coral safe to put in with...
  3. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Thanks for your reply! I'll make a post in the marine section now :) I'll post photos of any developments :)
  4. Gidge

    110G Project!

    This is the tank when I picked it up. The photo doesn't nearly show how dirty it actually was. Was a good hour or so of scrubbing. So this is the tank after a bit of a scrub. Hard to get it spotless when water dries so fast! :/ And this is the coral the guy gave to me. It's just sitting...
  5. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Could someone please give me some info on how to do a salt clean on dead/dry coral??
  6. Gidge

    110G Project!

    I've had better days but thankyou! The coral is already dead/dried out. I just wanted to remove any salt that may be sitting in it. And thanks for your reply! That makes sense. Thankfully the guy at my LFS has offered to give me some of his established media. So I will do a fishless cycle, and...
  7. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Well even though no one seems to be interested, I ended up getting the tank on Saturday. It was in need of a real good clean. On the way home, we unfortunately got into an accident. 3 car pile up on the freeway, and we got sandwiched in the middle. Fortunately the fish tank is fine. As for me...
  8. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Hey guys! So on Saturday, I'm hopefully picking up a new/second hand tank. I'm yet to see it, but judging by the pictures and speaking to the owner, it looks and sounds like it's in pretty good condition! So I'm a little excited! This tank is going to house my current bunch of cichlids. 1x 7...
  9. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    Hmm, going to have to keep an eye on that then. So are there any fish that I havent mentioned that would go well with these other fish?
  10. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    I just did some quick research on how to sex the Gouramis. I think I have all male :/
  11. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    I would get no more then 2. Probably even just one. I'm not sure what sex they are. But I've had these 3 in the 95L for a long time now, and they don't seem to be bothering each other. Pretty much just keep to themselves. Are there any fish you would reccommend putting in there? That would go...
  12. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    Hmmm what about kribs?
  13. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    I thought perhaps a school of tiger barbs? Angels?
  14. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    Love how people just never reply around here.
  15. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    What about a large group of both Rummy Nose and Tiger Barbs. I know tigers are aggressive, but I heard the aggressiveness is less if kept in large groups.
  16. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    Anything else?
  17. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    I think I'll pass on that one.
  18. Gidge

    November Pet Of The Month Comp. Entries

    I'd be lost without my boy Diesel. I love coming home everyday to him talking to me through the gate. (Verification pic)
  19. Gidge


    My cat used to walk IN TO the toilet with me. I'd have to kick her out. Also, she used to jump in the shower with me, now that's bizare!
  20. Gidge

    165L Stocking

    Hellloooo I currently have a 95L stocked with 9 platies, 3 dwarf gourami's and 4 corydoras. The exciting news is, these lovely fish are getting a bigger and better home. It's an Aqua One AR850, 165L, dimensions 84cmLx58cmHx44cmD. This tank is currently housing my cichlids, but they are also...
  21. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    I know it has been a long time since I have updated this, but I'm happy to say that the tank is fully cycled :) Thanks for all your help!
  22. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    That's excellent news! Congrats.
  23. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Okay, so the cycle seems to be coming along nicely. Tested today and came up with the following results; Ammonia: 0 Nitrite:1.0 Nitrate: 40 Immediate water change. Also, there seems to be some brown algae forming on some of the ornaments and bottom gravel. Algae bloom?
  24. Gidge

    Dogs On Leads..

    Husky's sure are difficult to train. I know how you feel haha. Fortunately mine never leaves my side. But he's got a problem with males :/
  25. Gidge

    October Pet Of The Month Entries

    Thankyou, I'll be sure to pass that along to him :)
  26. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    So today I cleared out the ornaments in my tank, vaccumed all the gravel as it was getting pretty grubby. Whilst doing this I found 2 baby platies! Managed to scoop them up and put them in a separation tank. Unfortunately I don't have a spare tank to put all the babies in. So I think I'm going...
  27. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    Just a quick question. Would I be able to put a Betta with this stocking? I'm not going to, but just wanted to know if I could.
  28. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Okay. So I have just tested the water, have not performed a water change just yet. Ammonia: 0.25-0.50 Nitrite: 0-0.25 (This is new! The test has always come back 0, the colour being that very clear light blue. But today it's sort of a cloudy slighty darker blue) I'm assuming bacteria must be...
  29. Gidge

    Gouramis In 10 Gallon?

    I'm not sure how many Gourami's you could keep in a 10G. But through my personal experience I have kept 3 dwarf gourami's together just fine in a 95L. And I have fed them a mix of flake food, frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworm.
  30. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    Yes this is a different tank. This tank has been up and running for a few years now :) I am still battling with the uncycled tank :(
  31. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    2 weeks. I think I can handle that :)
  32. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    Alrighty, I may do that. Exchange the cory's and get 6 three lined. And hunt for more platies. It's frustrating when there are so many fish you want to keep! Thanks for your help, I'll let you know how it all goes :)
  33. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    Oh shoot! I totally forgot about that. Thank you so much for bringing that up. blast. Had my heart set on rams. Looks like I need another tank :P I'm not a fan of snails at all. Would you agree with the Rummynose suggested above? Perhaps I should rehome the sterbai corys and stick with one...
  34. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    I did originally have 2m 3f, but I found a male that I fell in love with because he was so beautiful. I have been looking for more females, but I'm really fussy with what I put in my tank in terms of aesthetics. So duly noted, I will continue to look for more females :) Does it make a...
  35. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    I have a much larger tank for the Bristlenose to go in when he starts to get big. I had 2 male rams in this tank before, and they seemed to get along just fine. I'm not really fussed if they breed or not, I just thought it would be nice to have a male and female this time. But I will take this...
  36. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    I was thinking of getting a couple of three lined cory's. The colouration reminds me of the pictus, which unfortunately I couldn't have. Such a shame, I really love them. But I was looking for something that will occupy the mid range of the tank.
  37. Gidge

    Fish Ideas!

    Hey all, I currently have a 95L tank with 6 platies (3m 3f), 3 dwarf gourami's, 2 sterbai cory, 1 peppered cory and a Bristlenose. I want to add another species of fish. Between 3-6 of them. I thought of guppies, but i'm just not sure if that's what I want. Perhaps Rummynose? Or maybe a pair...
  38. Gidge

    Cat Positions

    Hahaha. My cat used to lay like this in front of the wood fire. Very funny to see. Once she got too hot, she would get up whinging and stretch out on the cold tiles in another room.
  39. Gidge

    Dogs On Leads..

    I completely agree with this. I have a Siberian Husky (Diesel), when he was 12 weeks old, we took him to a park. I noticed a man enter the park with his dog which was not on a lead. His dog didnt take any notice of Diesel, so that was fine. About 5 minutes later, I noticed his dog running at...
  40. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    Raise the temperature very slowly (1 degree per hour) to 30 celcius (Im not sure where you are located, so dont know if you use C or F)Do you have plenty of air in the tank? Raising the temp will decrease the amount of oxygen. Also I have read here and there that cory's do not tolerate salt all...