Fish Ideas!

So today I cleared out the ornaments in my tank, vaccumed all the gravel as it was getting pretty grubby. Whilst doing this I found 2 baby platies! Managed to scoop them up and put them in a separation tank. Unfortunately I don't have a spare tank to put all the babies in. So I think I'm going to put the Platy hunt to a halt until these babies grow up, or if I find anymore. If any of them turn out to be female, I will keep them, and any males I will give away.

I moved my Bristlenose to the larger tank. I also moved my 2 rainbow sharks to the larger tank (Which I was planning to do anyway, hence why I didn't mention them earlier)

I added more plants to the tank today, and really opened it up a bit. I've always been fond of really built up tanks, like a display within a display tank if that makes sense :S

Anyway, was thinking of uploading a pic if anyone is interested. Probably much better tanks to look at lol.

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