110G Project!


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey guys!

So on Saturday, I'm hopefully picking up a new/second hand tank. I'm yet to see it, but judging by the pictures and speaking to the owner, it looks and sounds like it's in pretty good condition! So I'm a little excited!

This tank is going to house my current bunch of cichlids.
1x 7 bar Frontosa
2x Blue/Green Texas
3x Johanni
3x Electric yellows

Dimensions are 150 x 48 x 58Hcm.

The tank comes with an Aqua One 1200 cannister filter. I'm assuming it's going to need another?

I'm planning to have white sand as the substrate, with a wall of limestone and coral and lots of hidey holes.

I also have a fully cycled 95L (Dont worry, the above cichlids weren't in that tank!)And I am planning on taking the filter pads and limestone noodles(?) out of this and putting them in the new canister filter to help kick-start the cycling. I was also going to put majority of the water that my cichlids are in now, into the new tank, as well as the sand.

Do you think it's possible to chuck my fish in straight away since having established filter media in there and the substrate?

Was planning on posting photos of the process if anyone is interested. No one in my family really cares about fish etc So I'm on my own with this one and feedback would be nice!
Well even though no one seems to be interested, I ended up getting the tank on Saturday. It was in need of a real good clean. On the way home, we unfortunately got into an accident. 3 car pile up on the freeway, and we got sandwiched in the middle. Fortunately the fish tank is fine. As for me, I'm not so fine.

Even still, the tank had its good scrub, my Dad - the wonderful man that he is - got some glass cut for the lid, and is planning on making me a bigger and better cabinet.

Also, a question. The guy I bought it off wanted to get rid of his coral also. So I took what I wanted. This coral was in a saltwater tank, so I'm assuming if I soak it in fresh water for about a week, it should be okay? If someone could let me know that would be great.
Well even though no one seems to be interested, I ended up getting the tank on Saturday. It was in need of a real good clean. On the way home, we unfortunately got into an accident. 3 car pile up on the freeway, and we got sandwiched in the middle. Fortunately the fish tank is fine. As for me, I'm not so fine.

Even still, the tank had its good scrub, my Dad - the wonderful man that he is - got some glass cut for the lid, and is planning on making me a bigger and better cabinet.

Also, a question. The guy I bought it off wanted to get rid of his coral also. So I took what I wanted. This coral was in a saltwater tank, so I'm assuming if I soak it in fresh water for about a week, it should be okay? If someone could let me know that would be great.

Wow glad you're okay. I think coral in freshwater would kill it and not look so good. You might be better off selling the corals to a marine person and use the money to buy decor. Oh, unless it's already dead, then I'm unsure of the right procedure for salt clean.

95L of media and substrate still wouldn't be enough for a 110g water. I would still run the cycle and it would be shorter than usual.

Im not sure if those cichlids are heavy bio load and sensitive; whether you need another filter depends on how much and often you're going to water change. White sand are very easily dirtied and have algae, so you'll have to vacuum often. I guess wait and see how it goes. If you find you need another to keep the water cleaner, get it later; you would have a fully cycled aqua one by then as well to seed. Look into DIY sump. Far more economical for larger tanks.
Wow glad you're okay. I think coral in freshwater would kill it and not look so good. You might be better off selling the corals to a marine person and use the money to buy decor.

I've had better days but thankyou! The coral is already dead/dried out. I just wanted to remove any salt that may be sitting in it. And thanks for your reply!

95L of media and substrate still wouldn't be enough for a 110g water. I would still run the cycle and it would be shorter than usual.

That makes sense. Thankfully the guy at my LFS has offered to give me some of his established media. So I will do a fishless cycle, and hopefully it will speed things up a bit more!

Im not sure if those cichlids are heavy bio load and sensitive; whether you need another filter depends on how much and often you're going to water change.
I have these cichlids in a 165L atm, and the water is constantly crystal clear, so I don't think the bioload is going to be a problem. But thankyou for bringing that to my attention! I will keep it mind if I decide to add more fish.
Could someone please give me some info on how to do a salt clean on dead/dry coral??
This is the tank when I picked it up. The photo doesn't nearly show how dirty it actually was. Was a good hour or so of scrubbing.

So this is the tank after a bit of a scrub. Hard to get it spotless when water dries so fast! :/

And this is the coral the guy gave to me. It's just sitting in fresh water. No one has given me any info on how to do a salt clean! :sad: Any suggestions are more then welcome!
Tank looks great, and how fortunate it survived the accident! You too!

I don't know a thing about coral, but maybe if you post a query on the marine forum you'll get an answer. Good luck! Keep those photos coming ...
Thanks for your reply! I'll make a post in the marine section now :) I'll post photos of any developments :)
I haven't, but google it.

Also, it seems corals can raise the hardness and/or pH of your water. I'm not sure how fast that will take but that's something to consider too.
Also, it seems corals can raise the hardness and/or pH of your water. I'm not sure how fast that will take but that's something to consider too.
I am aware of this, the tank that my cichlids are in now have coral/limestone in it, and the water is great. But I will keep an eye on it when I set up this new tank. Thanks! :)
If you read this. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/55806-rocks-for-use-in-the-aquarium/page__p__458315__fromsearch__1#entry458315 it clearly states that dead corol is only for marine tanks
If you read this. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/55806-rocks-for-use-in-the-aquarium/page__p__458315__fromsearch__1#entry458315 it clearly states that dead corol is only for marine tanks

I don't see why ? The cichlids Gidge is keeping love hard water with a higher pH and dead coral rock would be ideal for buffering that kind of water parameter IMO. That article seems to make no effort to say why it is not suitable, and I have seen tons of rift lake setups that contain it.

Gidge: great looking tank ! you did a good job of cleaning it up. sorry to hear about the pile up and I hope you recover quickly. what part of aussie are you from ? I am in the UK now but recently returned from New Zealand (that little island off your south east coast, LOL).
Fishy friend2, on 25 November 2011 - 08:06 AM, said:

If you read this. http://www.fishforum...__1#entry458315 it clearly states that dead corol is only for marine tanks

I don't see why ? The cichlids Gidge is keeping love hard water with a higher pH and dead coral rock would be ideal for buffering that kind of water parameter IMO. That article seems to make no effort to say why it is not suitable, and I have seen tons of rift lake setups that contain it.

Gidge: great looking tank ! you did a good job of cleaning it up. sorry to hear about the pile up and I hope you recover quickly. what part of aussie are you from ? I am in the UK now but recently returned from New Zealand (that little island off your south east coast, LOL).

I also don't understand what the problem is. The tank that the cichlids are in now, have been in with dead coral and limestone for over 6 years and I haven't had any problems and I have also seen many many cichlid set ups using it. Each to their own opinion though, and thank's for the info.

Mishmash: Should look good when its cleaned a bit more. My dad is currently in the process of building me a fantastic cabinet! Photo's to come! As for the accident, went to the docs today, apparantly my neck has been pulled out of alignment causing all the pain and muscle spasms. Hello physiotherapy.
And I'm in Perth! So bit of a travel to New Zealand. Nice over there?? Oh and thanks very much for your feedback, much appreciated :)
Also mishmash, if you know a bit about cichlids could you take a look at my other post, and if you can, give me any feedback? My link
Hey guys,

So the tank is up and running! Few pictures to show you all the progress!

Dad putting the base of the cabinet together.

Structural beams


Backing, sides and cabinet dividers.

Giving the tank plenty of support. Like to give a little quote by my Dad; "This thing will hold the titanic!"

Diesel getting tired

Top and doors

Feet to fit over the old fire place tiling.

Old tank set up

Bookshelves gone and painted wall

Cabinet in the house!

Tank on top. So heavy!

Sand, coral and plants in!



One of the side views

Water in!

Now waiting for it to cycle. Shouldn't take too long. LFS gave me there filter sponge. (Using an Otto 2000N - pumps 2000L per hour)Also using filter media from the tank before hand.
Sorry for all the pics! Really stoked with the outcome of the cabinet. Dad sure did a fantastic job.

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