165L Stocking


Sep 21, 2011
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I currently have a 95L stocked with 9 platies, 3 dwarf gourami's and 4 corydoras. The exciting news is, these lovely fish are getting a bigger and better home.
It's an Aqua One AR850, 165L, dimensions 84cmLx58cmHx44cmD. This tank is currently housing my cichlids, but they are also moving to a bigger and better home!

My question to you lovely people is; what else would you reccommend putting in with my current stocking!? I'm real keen on a big school of Rummy Nose.

Any suggestions would be fantastic!
I think I'll pass on that one.
What about a large group of both Rummy Nose and Tiger Barbs. I know tigers are aggressive, but I heard the aggressiveness is less if kept in large groups.
Love how people just never reply around here.
Love how people just never reply around here.

possibly because your question is too broad.....there are LOTS of possibilities. It would help to narrow it down to what you would actually like to keep (apart from the rummynose)?
I thought perhaps a school of tiger barbs?

avoid tiger barbs, they are a pain in the back side and no, they will still nip your other fish, even in a large group.
at 58cmH the tank is tall enough for angels. An established pair (not a random 'pair', they could fight to the death) or a singleton would be ok. Not sure you could have more than 1 or 2 in there, but someone else might disagree.

Kribs could work, but if they breed it could spell trouble for the corys and anything else that decides to get close.

What sex ratio do you have in the gouramis? 1m & 2f?
at 58cmH the tank is tall enough for angels. An established pair (not a random 'pair', they could fight to the death) or a singleton would be ok. Not sure you could have more than 1 or 2 in there, but someone else might disagree.

I would get no more then 2. Probably even just one.

What sex ratio do you have in the gouramis? 1m & 2f?
I'm not sure what sex they are. But I've had these 3 in the 95L for a long time now, and they don't seem to be bothering each other. Pretty much just keep to themselves.

Are there any fish you would reccommend putting in there? That would go well with everyone?
I just did some quick research on how to sex the Gouramis. I think I have all male :/
the dwarf gouramis are very easy to sex. If they are vibantly coloured, they are male. If they are dull and silvery, they are female.

Sadly, males do not like each other. You will probably start to see the weakest one being picked on until it dies, then the remaining two will duke it out for dominace of the territory. Best to rehome two of them, maybe the shop could swap you for females if they have any?

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