Search results

  1. G

    COMPETITION: best looking betta!

    These fish are amazing - it's going to be very very difficult to choose a winner.
  2. G

    different cycling fish ?

    There are no "cycling fish", just fish that are a little hardier than others. Because of this they are put through the strain of being semi poisoned because us humans haven't got the patience to do a fishless cycle. :grr:
  3. G

    Which Cycling Fish ?

    No fish - much better
  4. G

    COMPETITION: best looking betta!

    OK - I'm listening and I won't close it BUT any problems and it'll go. If you can all prove that we can have these comps with no cheating, no backlashing and no problems, then there might be a possibility of OTM comps returning.
  5. G

    what do you do with your (dead) fish.

    There won't be a world then - we are so close to destroying what we have, that unless we all make a change for the better...........well :byebye: world.
  6. G

    Moving an established tank

    Good luck with the move - just get the filters plugged in again as soon as you can and you shouldn't have any problems.
  7. G

    Moving an established tank

    Too heavy for a couple of mates to help lift?
  8. G

    Moving an established tank

    What does the tank stand on? I've moved larger tanks than that before without taking out the fish or filters. All I did was to take out as much water as possible (leaving in enough to cover all the fish), unplugged the filters and got a couple of friends to help lift up the whole caboodal to...
  9. G

    strong current

    What filter is it. Some of them can be regulated. If you can't regulate it then try moving the outlet hose so that the water cascades into the tank and not under the surface.
  10. G

    yoyo loach

    Is this a new tank? Also, your plec needs to eat also, unless you have enough algae for him you have to feed him - algae wafers and they also love fresh veggies (courgettes, cucumber, shelled peas and lettuce)
  11. G

    Necessary Plants

    Plants also help oxygenate the water and they also use the nitrate produced as well as providing inbetween meal snacks for your fish.
  12. G

    jade eyes have free swimmers

    Not the best pictures????? They're great - lovely fish and great pics.
  13. G

    Tanks Tanks everywhere (Dialup warning)

    Great corner for it. Hmmm, now if I get rid of the tv I think I could fit one like it in that corner :hyper: You got a good deal for it - back in January I got a juwel vision 450 :wub: With 2 extra external filters it now houses all my big fish - they love it and so do I :nod:
  14. G

    Some pics of what i have

    You have a very nice tank and some beautiful fish. Very very nice
  15. G

    bacteria growth

    Torrean has covered it well, just one more thing. If you do use carbon it must be changed regularly otherwise the impurities that are left in it will be leached back into into the tank. It should be changed about every 4-6 weeks.
  16. G

    my stocking level?

    You really are stocked to the limit now. Do you intend to keep the first lot of fry also, if so, you will be well over the limit. If you're not keeping any fry, then with good filtration and regular water changes you could add a couple of corys.
  17. G

    Have my pair had eggs?

    Another post closed - keep it civil please.
  18. G

    added background to 12G

    Looks great in both, but I prefer the second one. Your tanks looks so much bigger than 12 G - you should call it the tardis.
  19. G

    My Reef

    Both tanks are amazing - what did you do with the discus?
  20. G

    Can I add a few more tetras?

    The guidline for 1" fish per gallon is very general. It all depends on what fish (you can't have a 10" oscar in a 10 gallon tank), filtering and the surface area. The larger the surface area, the more fish the tank will hold (a long tank of 30 gallons will hold more fish than a high tank of 30...
  21. G


    Topic closed - it's gone as far as it should. Gadazobe
  22. G

    Ammonia-0,NitrItes-Toxic....Yipee !!!!!

    Once a tank has fully cycled the ammonia and nitrite levels should be zero and the nitrate should be kept level at about 20-40
  23. G

    Can I add a few more tetras?

    The general rule is 1" of fish to 1 gallon of water and with the fish that you already have, you are overstocked. Adult cories are about 1 1/2", balloon mollies about 2" and tetras 1". Please don't post the same question in different forums, there is no point at all in doing that coz the 2...
  24. G

    What shall I do with my fry?

    You can leave them where they are - let nature take it's course - survival of the fittest. How big is your tank? If you want to keep them without them getting eaten, can you put in a partition to keep them separate from the rest, releasing them when they get too big to fit in a mouth.
  25. G

    I have fry in my tank but who do they belong to?

    Most probably guppies - the females can hold the male sperm for a couple of months.
  26. G

    flower pics

    Nature never fails to amaze me - the pics are awesome.
  27. G

    Can I add a few more tetras?

    First get the new 55, cycle it, then we can suggest what to fill it with :D
  28. G

    Ammonia-0,NitrItes-Toxic....Yipee !!!!!

    I was sooooo happy to see my NitrIte level rise, my ammonia levels drop to 0, and my NitrAtes creeping up around 20.. I'm a little confused. If your nitrAte levels are rising, your nitrIte levels should be zero, not rising. I hope it's typo. Once nitrate appears your levels of ammonia and...
  29. G

    29g planted

    If it ain't broke - don't fix it :) Your tank is stunning - don't change it.
  30. G

    How do you get your wood to sink?

    "is that the only way? I was under the impression that he wood would eventually sink on its own. " Depends on the weight of the wood - smaller pieces take longer to sink.
  31. G

    Taking fish home

    How far are you travelling? I usually put my new fish on the passenger seat, lodged between a couple of things that I find in the car. Make sure that the fish are in an opaque bag so that they travel in the dark.
  32. G

    How do you get your wood to sink?

    Silicone them to slabs of slate (aquarium silicone only) - that should keep them down. Mopani wood tends to be denser than driftwood and sinks easier. It's also more expensive than driftwood.
  33. G


    I found this on the web. Hope it helps. You can keep most fish with shrimp, but just make sure that you have no large fish with them, otherwise your shrimp will turn into a tasty meal for them.
  34. G

    Water too warm???

    The warmer the water the less oxygen is carried in it. If the tank gets too warm, then you'll notice the fish gasping for air at the top of the tank. You can cool it down by putting an ice bag in it for a little while or doing a 10% water change, adding cold water only.
  35. G


    Freshwater or marine?
  36. G

    testing water

    A newly set up tank of 2 months doesn't need the filter to be cleaned every week. Your tank has not yet cycled and that's what's killing the fish. Each time you wash the filter, you're getting rid of all the beneficial bacteria needed. Just do 20% water changes per week, more often if you see...
  37. G

    how much water is in my tank Check out your volume here - it already takes into acount gravel, decor, etc.
  38. G

    how much?

    check e-bay uk for some good deals. Other than that, try loot or your local paper.
  39. G

    aquascaped my tank before and after pics

    Very nice - where are the fish?