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I feel exactly the same way these folks do.
I have just been raked over the coals lately for speaking my mind so I didn't really dare to in this case. I'm VERY glad that someone else did.

I also feel that you should not go through with this - it probably seems like a fun novelty thing for you right now but will get old when you have so many babes to feed, keep warm and clean, etc. and then what will you do with them?

I don't even think that you realize that you can, if you do your research and take care of them, can end up with hundreds of fish..
The number of people who come here wanting to spawn bettas, simply because it sounds nifty, worries me. I can't stop thinking of the cups upon cups of ignored bettas at the LPS. It just seems so... sad.

It reminds me of puppy mills.

I'm not knocking actual breeders, mind you. Professionals are a different story, entirely, one which I'm obviously not qualified to tell or judge.

But hobbiests who start an uninformed spawn, and then race to this forum, hoping that they'll be guided step by step through the whole process?

I avoid threads that contain the word 'spawn', now.
the thing is though, didnt the professionals start out as hobbyists and make mistakes too?
i used to breed bettas years ago and bred because i wanted to try it and sold them on to the pet stores who luckily enough for me took them on. Yes, i was younger and didnt think of the consequences beforehand if i couldnt sell them, but to me it was a challenge and i did get a few successful spawns.
I'm just glad though that informative websites and forums now exist to help the young and foolish to become better equipped at the consequences of their actions.
hopefully parrot man you will take heed of what has been said and do more research, but i have a feeling you will spawn them soon anyway.
as you are in ireland then the young bettas that you grow on should be taken quite willingly by the pet stores as veiltails are usually all that can be found (if indeed you are using veils).
Please make sure that the pet shops in your area are willing to take them first or you could end up with lots of unwanted fish.
I know in America that veils arent being bred as much as they are over here but in the U.K veils are still prized as there isnt the choice just yet, but once the more fancy types take hold then we too may see the decline in the veil.

I just hope that if and when i return to breeding them that i will be helped and not criticised for what i am doing.
black angel said:
the thing is though, didnt the professionals start out as hobbyists and make mistakes too?
i used to breed bettas years ago and bred because i wanted to try it and sold them on to the pet stores who luckily enough for me took them on. Yes, i was younger and didnt think of the consequences beforehand if i couldnt sell them, but to me it was a challenge and i did get a few successful spawns.
I'm just glad though that informative websites and forums now exist to help the young and foolish to become better equipped at the consequences of their actions.
hopefully parrot man you will take heed of what has been said and do more research, but i have a feeling you will spawn them soon anyway.
as you are in ireland then the young bettas that you grow on should be taken quite willingly by the pet stores as veiltails are usually all that can be found (if indeed you are using veils).
Please make sure that the pet shops in your area are willing to take them first or you could end up with lots of unwanted fish.
I know in America that veils arent being bred as much as they are over here but in the U.K veils are still prized as there isnt the choice just yet, but once the more fancy types take hold then we too may see the decline in the veil.

I just hope that if and when i return to breeding them that i will be helped and not criticised for what i am doing.
I think the reason people are saying these things is because he has been told over and over about what should be done, and he's not listening to anyone. He has been pointed to other sites, he has been given advice, he has been asked to do the research before he breeds, and he's not doing any of that. He asks for advice and then doesn't take it. In fact, he's trying again with another pair. That's why he is being criticised.
If you go back and read over his posts he contradicts himself constantly. This is not someone willing to learn. He is asking the simplest questions then refuses to listen to the answers, when he is told to research he says he has but continues to ask the same questions over and over and ignore the advice he is given. If his "mate" owns a LFS as he claims, it would seem that he would be asking him questions, especially since this mate conditioned his bettas for two weeks before he ever bought them. He just wants us to agree with what he is doing and to do his research for him. If he doesn't have to do some of it himself he will never learn. If it's too much trouble for him to do the research, he doesn't need to breed them to begin with.
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