What shall I do with my fry?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2005
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I have recently seen that I have around 4 fry in my tank.... the others must have died but I still have around 4. -_-

I have just left them in my main tank with 4 flame tetras, 5 neon tetras, 2 mollys and 2 guppies.... I don't have another tank to put them in and I am just hoping that they will or even one will survive into a adult if I just leave them in the tank with the other fish. Whats the chance that 1 or 2 will survive? :unsure:

I also heard that I had to separate them into differnt sexes... when they are adults... is this right? Or can I leave them together with my other fish? :/

I would thank any quick responses as my time might be running out! :(
You can leave them where they are - let nature take it's course - survival of the fittest. How big is your tank? If you want to keep them without them getting eaten, can you put in a partition to keep them separate from the rest, releasing them when they get too big to fit in a mouth.
Hi thanks for replying so quickly!

My tank is 100 litres or about 50 gallons...

I would... but its a bit to fussy! I like to keep things simple :)

Yes... I heard thats what loads of people do... did it have a pump to make the temperature ok?

Also did you put the mother in the tank to?

Sorry I am not very good with all this stuff :blink:
If you want them to survive, but can't separate them, provided you have plenty of plants and places to hide, their chances of survival are pretty good. With my livebearers, I just let nature do its thing. If they survive, great, if not, thats okay. If youre still worried about them surviving you can set up a small spare tank for them. If you do this, no, the mother does not need to join them. It would be best if she didn't as they are likely still small enough to become a snack. You can add them back to the community when they are big enough that they will not fit into the mouths of any adult fish in the main tank.

As for the separating thing once adults, well, livebearers will continue to breed if you have males with females. If that doesn't bother you, you can leave them mixed. If you'd rather they didn't breed, you'll need to keep only the one sex. Your choice.

Thanks for the good advice it really helped me!

Yes.. I have loads of hiding places I have 4 plants.... 1 real 3 fake and loads of shells at the bottom... when I say loads I mean LOADS lol

I have found that they like the plants and shells :)

I think I will leave them for nature to look after them ;)
:/ i woudnt if i were you. if the fish see something move, the will think it is live food. do you have a discus?

they protect their young and others.
I've had three batches of fry. 2 batches of molly fry and one batch of guppy fry. I left them all in the main tank and with even a catfish in my tank I managed to have 7 surviving fry which are all healthy and about 6 months old now in the community 120 gallon. The second batch had three survivors, but I scooped them into a breeding net and my pesky catfish jumped into the net and ate them all. :grr:

Then a week ago I found 4 guppy fry in my brother's 29 gallon. I scooped them out and put them in a 1 gallon aquaview. They're pretty cheap at walmart. They're somewhere around $12.00. And it comes with an underground filter and a pump and everything. Well, not a heater, but my room temp stays around 76F at all times so I didn't use a heater for my guppy fry.
I brought a small 14L tank from the Japanese Coi shop....only cost £11.99...cheap as chips!
Also doubles up as a Quarantine tank!
I keep mine in a 20 gallon tank with just my blue lobster (pinchy) it keeps him active because he tries to catch them but never does....that doesnt really ans wer your question but I just thought Id tell you.....incase you ever get a blue lobster and dont want him to hide constanly.

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