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  1. G

    some more of my fishies

    and gobi with a friend
  2. dragon_and_clown.JPG


  3. G

    some more of my fishies

    my booootiful dragon gobi :wub:
  4. dragon1.JPG


  5. G

    Chineese Algae eater Alternatives?

    Return your chinese algae eater and see if you can exchange him for about 3 ottos. They're small, algae loving, peaceful fish. By the way, if your pleco had survived, he would have reached well over 12" so you would have had to return him anyway.
  6. G


    That hot :S :hey:
  7. G

    I'm overstocked but the fish are fine??????

    You must be doing something right if your tank has been running nearly a year now without any major disasters :nod: So just carry on what you've been doing - you don't repair something that ain't broken :) - but no more fish till you get a larger tank !!!!
  8. G


    Aquarium salt :) can be bought at any lfs or petstore. It must be salt with no additives - kosher salt can also be used, but not ordinary table or cooking salt.
  9. G


    Salt won't hurt mollies, swordtails and platties. I don't know about apple snails, but if you have any kind of catfish it can harm them. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me, but adding salt when you have catfish does not give them the optimum conditions for a long life. They may...
  10. G

    I'm overstocked but the fish are fine??????

    You are overstocked, but, if you're very dilligent with water changes and have good filters, then you can get away with it. But please don't add any more fish and once the fry are about 1" long, then take them to your lfs for rehousing. (they may even give you something for them)
  11. G

    Cloudy Water ?? New Tank !!

    I think you might be a little over anxious. Most probably it's the gravel that hasn't settled yet. Do you have any fish in the tank yet?
  12. G

    Can fish get jealous .......

    Whenever there are a school of the same kind of fish, they develop a "pecking order" - who gets a mate first, who gets the best bits of food, the best hiding place, etc. That's what your fish are doing. It's not only mollies that do it but other fish also.
  13. G

    Clown Loaches and Snails!

    Poor poor snaily - :-( Love the clowns :wub: Did they manage to get any bites out of poor snaily?
  14. G

    What ihas happend?

    Jamie - first things first. Take a sample of the tank water to your lfs and get it tested. Have you done any water changes since you had the tank? If so, have you added dechlorinator?
  15. G

    Photos of renovated planted tank

    That is a great tank - I love the planted tanks - they seem so peaceful and beautiful. :nod:
  16. G

    thru a child's eyes

    thanks for sharing and making me smile.
  17. G

    My Beautiful Blue Betta, George!

    Beautiful colour - very pretty fish :)
  18. G

    Charlie The Bulldog Plec

    I love him - he looks a real carachter.
  19. G

    Moving home with a big tank

    If you're on really good terms with your lfs, they might keep your fish until you've moved the tank and set it up again. My lfs offers a service like this to their regular customers and I've used it when setting up a new tank.
  20. G

    new camera - new pics

    Lastly (before I bore you all with all the others) one of my pair of juli transcriptus
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  22. G

    new camera - new pics

    My leporinus - he lives in with my cichlids but is big enough to take care of himself
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  24. G

    new camera - new pics

    Some of my fishies:] One of my 2 tri colour aulonocaras
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  26. G

    neon tetras

    It's quite normal - don't worry about it. A lot of brightly coloured fish lose their colour in the dark and it returns in the light.
  27. G

    Ready to add more Fish

    Paul, you're doing ok - there's no reason that the new fish should die coz your tank is cycled and you're doing the sensible thing - adding the fish slowly. Congrats and keep us posted. :nod:
  28. G

    Mysterious death

    After a day or so they should start rising.
  29. G

    Mysterious death

    When ammonia is 0 and nitrite is 0 then check for nitrate - once this is on the up and up, your tank has completed it's cycle. Don't add fish until then and add them slowly, no more that 2 a week.
  30. G

    is this ich?

    Is this a new tank that is cycling?
  31. G

    Question about tankmates

    Ahh, you're a good lad/ladette Boondock. I'm sure that you'll get lots of nice fishies that will live happy contented lives with you.
  32. G

    Question about tankmates

    Hi and welcome. I don't want to burst your bubble, but the tank you have isn't suitable for the fish that are in it. Your Leporinus will grow to about 10" and one other thing - where do intend "releasing" your catfish? Please read the pinned article suggested by LmyO - 3 days is not sufficient...
  33. G

    Planted aquariums

    Keep it as it is. Fishies love losts of hiding places and plants to nibble on and now that they're used to having the plants and substrate as it is, they would get stressed if it all suddenly disappeared.
  34. G

    frogs in a tropical community

    If they're African Clawed Frogs the fish with them better be BIG otherwise they'll end up as supper, dinner, breakfast and inbetween snacks :nod:
  35. G

    boring fish

    Is your golden algae eater a Chinese Algae eater? If it is, return him and get a couple of ottos instead. CAE's have a tendency to get very nasty when they get big. They also like to suck on some fish causing some damage to the slime coat of the victim. Return the mollies and get the zebra...
  36. G

    peacock eels

    I hope your tank is big enough to cope with it when it gets full size (about 14")
  37. G

    boring fish

    Zebra danios zoom around all day chasing each other. They do best in schools of about 5. How many of the other fish have you got?
  38. G

    Neons - just losing the will to live?

    Despite what a lot of people think, neons are not easy fish to keep, in fact they're very delicate. They need slightly acidic water and a mature, well planted tank. They won't thrive unless they have what they require - also your ph is too high for them. From what I understand, you cycled...
  39. G

    just practicing

    I think they're very very nice - I can almost smell the flowers :) Nice Kitty too - what's his/her name?
  40. G


    What kind of snails are they - little and round or cone shaped? Get rid of the round ones, they eat plants, but the conical ones are good for the tank - they burrow into the substrate and aerate it.