What ihas happend?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2004
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Hi Everyone!
RIGHT! I brought a tank about April time and did the usally things to set it up! I then brought some guppies and everything was fine!! I then went on to get a siamese fighting fish and some more fish, everything was fine!! and 4months on everything was fine!! :hyper:
UNTIL yesterday!!! i went to the same shop and brought some more fish and a small baby crab! later that day one of my first guppies died and now today my other guppie died, the fish do not seem to be swiming around as much as the were before and one of the new fish is swiming on its back and resting. They all kind of seem to be gassping for air (well it looks that way) but we have a oxygen stone/! sometimes they go to the top and stay there for a while untill resting at the bottom. i am woundering if one of the fish i brought yesterday had some kind of infection or deiseas that is spreading :-( :sad: :unsure: :X :/ :( :angry: :dunno:

P.S: the crab sems fine and the fish dont seem to be frightned of it!

If you think so what should i do!!!
what size is you tank

how many fish do you have in there?

what are your water paremiters (ugh my spellin! what i mean to say is, what are your ammonia nitrites and nitrates reading at? )

could you answer these three questions?
My tank is 60L i have 8 fish and 1 crab but i suppose that will go down :( errm i have no idea wot my readings are becasue i dont have a tester but i add the amount it says on the bottle and when it says do it!
Hi Jaime007,

I have been caring for fish about the same amount of time that you have so we are both relatively new to the hobby/obsession. :) I may not be able to help you directly but I do know that there are many knowledgable people on this forum who are totally prepared to help you through this sudden problem. However, in order to get help, you do have to supply some critical information. As nightlife20 stated, we need to know your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH levels. You can buy a master test kit from your LFS store that will allow you to test these parameters. Many people on this forum advise using as little chemicals as possible because good fishkeeping practices (eg. water changes, filter maintenance, consistent temperatures, correct types, varieties, and amounts of food) should allow you to avoid many health issues. If you have a problem with your water parameters then it is unlikely that Bacterlife will help. It would also be useful to know the exact types of fish you have in your aquarium as some fish do not do well together. For instance, I lost my guppies because they were bullied by my female Bettas. I have since learned that these fish are not a great combination. Anyway, I'm sure you'll get rapid assistance if you can give a little more information about your aquarium. Hopefully, we can prevent any more fish losses in your aquarium!

Jamie - first things first. Take a sample of the tank water to your lfs and get it tested. Have you done any water changes since you had the tank? If so, have you added dechlorinator?
jaime007 said:
HELP!!! PLEASE :dunno:
We really can't do much without more information. You need to buy a test kit, this is the most important thing for a fishkeeper! The test kit must include tests for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate ( note the I and A, 2 very different chemicals).

Test your water with these and give us the results.

Also we need to know:

1- The dimensions of your tank, length width and height.
2- The make and model of your filter (if you have one) and whether you have replaced the filter media at all, and if so when.
3- How often you do water changes and how much you change.
4- What kind of water treatment you use, does it dechlorinate?
5- Whether you add the treatment to the water and then add the water to the tank, or how you do it.
well i sorted it!!! next door works in a fish store and she told me to do a water change and she gave me some chemicals to put in to perk up the tank have a look at my tank, wot u think www.myfishtank.co.uk.tt :p
nice ram and fighter..

umm.. what chemicals did she give u?

also.. puttin chems in the tank can cause more harm than good.. it can kill of any benifical bacteria that you have in the tank.

did you know that just doin good water changes an gravel cleans every other day can help more?
No i dint but i think i might start to do a water change every other day (how much do you think i should take out?). Well she works in a well esablished aqautic shop near me and i gave her some water yesterday to test and she came round 2day and gave me the chemicals it needed. she sed it could be that i have had the tank 3 months and i haven't yet done a water change (untill today).
There lookin beter allready!! :nod: :hyper:
Thanks nightlife20 ;)
There wrere fish in there for 2 months :unsure: and yes i did use the dechlorinator there fine now!!!!!! :cool:

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