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  1. G

    A Record of cycling with fish

    PLEASE NOTE - the record below is on a 70 litre tank, cycling with fish I like a lot of beginners did not find this forum, knowing about fishless cycling or understand testing etc. till after I bought my first fish. I have typed up a table of the first 45 days - It might help any beginners...
  2. G

    forgot fishes name

    Here's a link about these beautiful fish. Hope it helps.
  3. G

    Clown Loach

    If you don't stress the clowns, give them good food, a place to hide and tip top water conditions, then you won't need any medication for them coz they won't get sick.
  4. G

    Nitrite levels

    Not quite sure what this bactozym is, but whatever you do, don't add any fish untill the tank has stablised , ie, no ammonia, no nitrite and low readings of nitrate. What are the ammonia levels?
  5. G

    Ordered java moss...

    Nice to hear that something good came out of it in the end. :)
  6. G

    Thin yellow lab

    Interpet do a great range of meds including one for internal parasites. Haven't tried it but I do use other products from their range and had no problems with them. Also, waterlife are very good - they do a vitamin supplement for fish and it really seems to build up their immune system.
  7. G

    Ordered java moss...

    The best place to put it is in the bin - it grows faster than rabbits :) I don't know if koi eat it, if so, you'll never have to feed them again. Be careful with it, once in a pond or tank it'll clog up the filter and everything else. I had a tiny little bit of it once - it came in with some...
  8. G

    Ordered java moss...

    Looks a bit like duck weed, definitely not java moss. Does it float?
  9. G


    OK, everything is figured out, now where are the pics ????
  10. G

    Gravel Vac Slayer

    He is one nice fish - how big is he now?
  11. G


    Most probably got spooked by something. Anything in the tank that tries to nip it's fins or bullies it?
  12. G

    My plants are all spotty

    It makes no difference - when you clean the filter just wash out the media in some tank water that you've put in a bucket or basin. Then return the media and refill the tank with fresh water (dechlorinated)
  13. G


    Depends whaat fish you're talking about. Some fish, like neons and danios dart around all the time. Others with a more sedantry way of life dart when startled or stressed. Sudden movements near the tank, someone tapping on the tank, that sort of thing will startle most fish. Even aggresive...
  14. G

    My plants are all spotty

    Finish medicating then clean the tank. Be careful not to clean too much so that the "good" bacteria doesn't die. If you clean out the tank, then leave the filter for another time. If you do the filter first, then leave the tank till a week later.
  15. G

    My plants are all spotty

    Maybe they discoloured coz of the medication. Take one out and see if they clean up by washing them.
  16. G

    My plants are all spotty

    could they be algae spots. The good thing with fake plants is that you can take them out and wash them every now and then.
  17. G

    RedTail Shark Pics

    very nice fishies - I'm moving them to mems fish and tank pics.
  18. G

    goby's design

    and another one showing his great talent. He's still digging away and has now reached the base of the tank and he's taken the algae ball into the hollow and uses it like a cushion. Now if he just turned around, he'd be able to see the tv much more clearly.
  19. after.JPG


  20. G

    goby's design

    andthis is after:
  21. after_1.JPG


  22. G

    goby's design

    My goby dragon must have got fed up with the look of his home and has decided to redesign his living quarters. this is before:
  23. before.JPG


  24. G

    Re-Done 50G

    Deleted section returned - still not quite sure as to why it was removed, but it's back now where it belongs.
  25. G

    How fast do clown loaches grow?

    Slowly - clowns grow slowly but steadily. I bought mine a couple of years ago at about 1" now they're about 3"
  26. G

    Star Spangled Bettas

    Continuous flaring is stressful for the fish. They do it to other males to "increase" their size, making them look bigger than they really are to scare the other male off. Your fish are beautiful - keep the cardboard between the tanks and just take it out occasionally - your fish will thank...
  27. G

    filter full of poop

    Eventually the poop and food will turn into the bacteria. Maybe it's time to wash out your filter media. Next time you do a water change, rinse out the media in the old tank water.
  28. G

    Do I change water too much?

    Clean water is always good for the fish - but if you have any real plants in the tank, then do the changes just once a week. The plants need some of the minerals found in the "gunk" at the bottom of the tank and they also need the nitrates produced.
  29. G


    It has to be a certain thickness to withstand the pressure of the water - the bigger the tank the thicker the glass (sorry, I don't know what thickness though :*) ). Also you should use aquarium silicone as a sealant.
  30. G

    Test Results...

    Your ammonia levels are too high for the safety of your fish. I understand that you are cycling your tank with fish :( - so, for their safety, all you can do is a water change every day until the cycle has completed. It will lengthen the process, but hopefully, keep your fish alive.
  31. G

    Sad day at our house

    wuv, so sorry to read this post - :-( It's truly suprising how these little creatures can get so close to our hearts, and are so sorely missed when they pass on to the fishtank in the sky.
  32. G

    Betta Storie

    nice but so sad :-(
  33. G

    Clown loaches

    I've got 4 clown loaches, all about 2-3" and I've noticed that they do sometimes have a tendency to "pick" on my ADFs - especially at feeding time. Maybe they think the frogs are overgrown snails, but I've never had any problem with them with any other fish. I think that the deaths in your...
  34. G

    My Planted Tank

    Wow - it's beautiful. Do you mind if I move it to pics of members fish and tanks? It will get a lot more viewings there.
  35. G

    Algae Eater

    2.5 gallon is very small for any algae eater. If you keep fry in it then it doesn't leave much room for anything else. Ottos like to be with their own sort - at least 3-4 of them. Plecs get too big, even a bristlenose would get too big for that size. I suggest that the best solution to get...
  36. G

    still a cloudy tank

    I think it might be some form of fungus -
  37. G

    still a cloudy tank

    Is the slime on the fish or tank ornaments?
  38. G

    founf fish on ground dried but breathing

    Nice save! I don't know if his eyes could dry up enough to make him blind, but he could be swimming like he is coz he's really stressed out and it might take a while till he gets back to normal. Hope he makes it.
  39. G

    Water Changes: Is there a proper way?

    Becca is right, if your nitrate levels are high and your ammonia and nitrite are at 0, then your tank has completed its' cycle. If this is the case, then do your water change and add some fish. Plants will help keep the nitrate level down, but if you don't have any plants, then the only way to...
  40. G

    IM SO STUPID!!!!

    Cloudy eye can be a symtem of bad water conditions and/or lack of vitamin B2. What's the water quality like in the main tank?