
It's probably too big - that happened to me once too.
this sucks,
my camera is to good!! its on its lowest res and it still wont work!
how can i get it not to be such a big file?
You need a photo editing program. You can get a free one called EZ Thumbnails at - it's pretty easy to use.

You will have to reduce the size of the picture so you can upload it.
I normally reduce it to 450 x 450 or there abouts. Any picture editing software can do it, I use Photoshop.
Yeah, the program makes your pics smaller. You open the pic you want resized and you can specify what size you want it resized to and it will do it. The nice thing is that it doesn't save over your big pic, but renames it and saves the smaller pic so you have both sizes and don't lose the original file.

It's pretty user-friendly.

ETA - I don't know PhotoShop, but if you have Paint, you can resize that way. Open the file, go to Stretch/Skew and reduce both the horizontal and vertical by percentages til you get it the size you want. Then, just use the little dots (they can be hard to see) that are midway along the white and draw the sides of the pic in. Then, Save As... and make sure to save it as a .jpg
go on and then upload the pic on there and then copy the hyperlink in here
photoshop is pretty easy. just open it up and go to IMAGE -> IMAGE SIZE and change the width pixels. they are linked so the height will change accordingly too so that it keeps the correct ratio.
just load your image into photoshop. goto "save image for web" you can fiddle with the settings there until you're happy and the size of the file should be much reduced.

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