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  1. Zenn

    Strange pleco Behaviour

    My pleco kleeps darting to the surface and then shooting back down after taking whats looks like a glup of air, i can safely ay that my tank is well oxygenated but why does he keep doing this? Is it a sign of illness or something, because i hope not i only bought him today, somebody explain please
  2. Zenn

    New Angel

    Oh dear, i think i am Angel obessed now!!!, i start out buying one and fell in love with him after a da or so, because i only wanted to get him for my mum since she likes angels and looks at my fish, now he died sadly, and i missed his beauty in the tank so i went out and bought another two, and...
  3. Zenn

    Um do they act like this??

    Ummm, this is very strange behaviour you have this time, i cants say i really had cases where a male is sniffing another males parts Oh just so you know, yes the males have the tubula anal fin and females have fan anal fins It would make sense of it was a male "sniffing" the females under...
  4. Zenn

    Female bending for another female?

    Right this is a case of domination and territoral protection When a livebearer goes into a rigid shape, erecting their fins to their full extent and bending there body to a 'S' shape it is to warn off a intruder to back away, if the intruder does not back away the fish will lunge forward, not...
  5. Zenn

    Um do they act like this??

    Right weel here is some facts thjat might help you... Guppies are seen as Mid-water dwellers, however they body are composed into what is called a flat-top body, which means these fish dwell near to the surface of water, other flat-tops would compose of Killfish as being the most popular of...
  6. Zenn

    Fluke or gill rot

    Yeah my tank has been cycled, as for that Maracyn Two, i have never heard of it, the only med i have that could possibly treat it is Methylene blue or if it is the other case Bacterial control which are the only two cure i can get for this type of illness... :(
  7. Zenn

    Fluke or gill rot

    There is about three teaspoons to the tablespoon, so i would guess one teaspoon should treat my small tank that i use to hospitalise, right thanks alot, i aint too sure on using salt, because i have never done this before and i dont want my fish sriverling (sp?) up... but i will give it a shot...
  8. Zenn

    Fluke or gill rot

    Salt... how much salt would you suggest? I can put her into a smaller tank on her own, which is a 12x8x6?
  9. Zenn

    Fluke or gill rot

    Hi people, i was wondering if you could help me here in treating me fish Now the syptoms are as follows One of my female swordtails are hanging near to the surface of the water, she aint moving around as much as normal, ever when feeding, and her gills are protruding from her head like a Betta...
  10. Zenn

    Different angels

    Ok after the passing of my last angel, which i am deeply affected by since i loved him so much and how he died is a complete mystery, i went out and bought two new angels this time around First one was a small little white angel with the odd black dashing forming the rings around a angel...
  11. Zenn

    Zenn's fish tanks and fishies

    Yeah i know Bala Shark should be kept in school, but my bala shark seem to do just fine on its out, like a odd ball of the group, so i wont get no more, and he is my first and last, and as for the size of him, i will compensate his size in time, i do have my eye on a bigger tank, however if push...
  12. Zenn

    Zenn's fish tanks and fishies

    Here are my two tank, my 2 footer And my 3 foot tank Here is one of my old angels, which sadly passed away the other day :rip: This is a community shot, you can see me Bala shark there, as well as a few of me swordtails Here is a shot of the swordtails in me 2 footer Andhere is...
  13. Zenn

    Sharks with SAEs?

    It is a SAE that is for sure, i had to debate over Pet at home about them selling them one time, so i know about them being mistaken for other speices such as the chinese algae eater, but mine seem to not mind being single in a tank or together in that matter, But SAE even in shoals tend to...
  14. Zenn

    Sharks with SAEs?

    This is the same question i was going to ask but insted not to question upon advice I need help, i have a Bala shark and a SAE now the SAE is chasing the bala shark and is getting aggressive towards him and some of my black tetra neons, now i was wondering is this normal, or is my SAE going a...
  15. Zenn

    ID the Swordtail

    The fish circled in black is a Green swordtail The fish circled is the indenticle fish to what you have, a green swordtail the other one in the purple outline i have found out is the native swordtail to america, for a different climate changes the apprence of the the males to have spots...
  16. Zenn

    what kind of swordtail is this?

    Opps sorry posted in the wrong section... Nice green swordtail you have there ;)
  17. Zenn

    Angel question

    I have some serious bad news, my angel was fine yeah as i said earlier, i look one moment swimming around fine, next minute, and i mean a MINUTE, he was dead on the floor... WHAT HAPPENED! AFTER I PUT SO MUCH CARE INTO IT, WHAT HAPPENED! The other thing is he did have a strange lump on his...
  18. Zenn

    When to put babies back into main tank?

    Yeah what vidiots said, or another way is to realease them when they are the size a neons, thats another way or going upon size, whether they are ready or not ;)
  19. Zenn

    ID the Swordtail

    What you have there is my favorite kind of swordtail, those are green swordtails, or some call them pinned stripped swordtails... ;) Somone did post up a link to a swordtail ID site, however what they have under green swordtail is not a green swordtail, because they are not spotty, females...
  20. Zenn

    red swordtails

    It is true swordtails can change sex when they want to, if you take three female, likely hood that in a period of time, one will turn to be a male to make sure survival of the Species, otherwise it is said if you want a natural born male the fry have to be born into a tank with a temperture...
  21. Zenn

    Where should I put the fry?

    Right, if you look at your breeding trap, look at the gaps in the trap, if you think they are too wide and the fry can escape from it, then you best options would be the breeding net, but i wouldnt leave it in there alone too long, if you only have one, it means you fish have gotten a taste for...
  22. Zenn

    Angel question

    You had a look at my profile, that hasnt been updated since i joined the forum mate, the tank my angel is in is 36" x 18" x 12" and i know angels get to be quite big, i seen my nextdoor neighbours ones she bought from a friend who owns a local fish place, she bought them at their fully grown...
  23. Zenn

    Angel question

    True, i have never thought about breeding and selling them, yeah i could make abit of money that way if i wanted to...
  24. Zenn

    My fish and tanks

    Awww adorable pleco, reminds me of my one sitting right behind me, about the same size too, they are so lovely, and nice angel you got there, nice long finnage point to him being well looked after and is hapy where he is... I have one question, i aint a betta keeper, however how do betta's like...
  25. Zenn

    Angel question

    lol, understandable, but when a bala shark feeds from yoyur hand, thats when you can feel a sense of achievement... I will nab myself one more angel today depending on how travelling goes, because i got a few things planned for today, but as you said one more angel wont do harm, hopefully, but...
  26. Zenn

    Angel question

    I may invest in one more angel however i guess i should tell you this... My fish may only consist of livebearers, a few egg layers however i got two different species in my tank that should normally be kept in a group and yet they aint, because i am trying not to over stock, now what you just...
  27. Zenn

    CatLover's Freshwater Gallery

    Thats quite the size pleco yoou have there, and quite adorable fish, i like the pic where your cory has managed to bury itself and all you can see is the head lol :thumbs:
  28. Zenn

    Angel question

    Well i mainly feed ghim flake as it is, when you say meat, whats kinds, because i was thinking, because i only get live bloodworm on the rare occasion because it is like chocolate to them, i was also thinking about feeding me fish some live mosquito larvae and possibly even trying out a earth...
  29. Zenn

    Angel question

    Oh ok thanks That would probably be it, because the temp was on 25C, though i dont know how it got that low when i had it on 28C a few days ago I only got one angel fish, and it my first time keeping them, i know they are carnivors, so i was wondering if you also advise me on a suitable diet...
  30. Zenn

    Angel question

    This aint so much of a emergancy so i am posting it here, right i have a angel here, and he was fine the first couple of eeks i had him, until my fish started to look a little ill, now i treated the water and they are all as fit as a fiddle, however while the fish were ill the angel kept uits...
  31. Zenn


    Now i know your situation, because when i first had my gebbicep, he seemed to always hide and never come out to eat... The case is not to worry, they are actually getting food whether you see it or not... You say you platies go after the algae wafers and such, but you must say they dont eat it...
  32. Zenn

    gender changing swordtail

    Swordtails can and most likely most of the time change gender, especialling if you have aload of females together for a while in a tank, one will eventually turn to a male in order to follow their nature path in order to preserve their spieces, there nothing really anyone can do about it because...
  33. Zenn


    Mate you got this in a wrong section all together, may i just ask how is it to you have goldfish and tetra together, since gold fish are coldwater fish and tetra's are tropical? And second those fish are both egglayers and this is the livebearer section for tropical fish... Just thought i...
  34. Zenn

    Help Me Please????!

    Seriously mate, the picture is too big and is corrupt now, one way there would have been around it would be to save it and then open it, but when i do that it shows you picture file is corrupt, my advice, upload you picture on the place called and there you can actually...
  35. Zenn

    Mollies hungry....

    Some fish as i am sure some people have been heard can become attached to their owners, as Lynz781 said, they might have though it was food, but some fish such as Swordtails, guppies and other such fish are a little too scared to go near big objects such as hands, when they do this it also goes...
  36. Zenn

    Adding bottomdwellers

    Only a 5 gallon tank, oh you better be careful, because you have added livebearers and they will breed like water bunnies, so you could face baby fry in no time and could result in over stocking, as for bottom dewellers i advise possible only getting one! that can be one cory, or a otto, or in...
  37. Zenn


    Yeah mate that should be fine, you may a little room spare there incase any fish breed, more than likely with Platies, so you have some room for a small batch of fry, however anymore after that and it could result in you over stocking so be careful... ;)
  38. Zenn


    Righty oh, firstly congrats on your babies... Secondly, yes it is advisable to seperate the fry from the adult mollies, because to the adults the fry will be a quick snack. A breeding trap is good for raising fry ;) Secondly, if there is not enough oxygen in the water, the fish will come to...
  39. Zenn


    That is not a Swordtail, and i am telling you on a Certain note... That as Mamaschild said is a Hi fin platy... Because you only get platies with those shaped fins... You dont get sail fin swordtail, you get long finned swordtails, but not sail fin... so trust, that is a Hi finned platy ;)
  40. Zenn

    new tank; big problem?

    I wouldnt say it is just Petssmart, i found it in numerous pet stores... My advice, listen to the people here, THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT... I learnt alot from here, despite half the advice they give you is stuff you dont want to hear, it is always done for your sake and the fish...