Sharks with SAEs?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
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I love the look of red tailed and rainbow sharks. I have heard they can be aggressive toward their own species. They are shaped much like an SAE so I am wondering will they get along with SAEs? I have a 100 gallon tank with 10 SAEs and 2 pearl gouramis. Is one shark more aggressive than the other (red or rainbow)?
Red tailed black sharks are very agressive towards any othe type of shark, you can't mix them or have more than 1 RTBS in a tank, should be OK with SAE's though and they are stunning to look at. They potentially will chase other community fish of any type so bear this in mind, they don't do much damage but can stress other fish.
This is the same question i was going to ask but insted not to question upon advice

I need help, i have a Bala shark and a SAE now the SAE is chasing the bala shark and is getting aggressive towards him and some of my black tetra neons, now i was wondering is this normal, or is my SAE going a little aggressive.... My time on keeping two siamese algae eaters together i gather they chase each other, however otherwise they are peaceful fish, but my SAE is really going for my bala shark and he is the only aggressive SAE eater i have as the other one in my other tank with some swordtails seems to be fine, swimming up and down the side of the tank eating algae he has let grow there...

Can someone advise?

Oh and another thing, i wanna catch the SAE but i dont want to be chasing him around my tank for two hours, i dont want to move the decor either to disturb the other fish, can you think of anyway i can catch him, please note i do not have a tank slide to co0rner him off with, i have tubs and nets at my disposal though?
SAE's are normally a very placid fish and do not chase other fish around. They are also a shoaling fish and should be kept in groups. Are you sure your fish is a real SAE and not one of the several lookalike species that are often sold as SAE's?

As for RTBS and Rainbow Sharks, it depends to a certain extent on the individual fish, but as a general rule, they will not tolerate their own species, will probably not tolerate closely related species, and quite possibly not tolerate anything that looks remotely like another shark species, which would include SAE's.
I have mostly had to rely on using a fish trap to nab SAEs in a hurry- they are too fast to net most times in a planted tank.

Do not keep rts w/ SAE.
It is a SAE that is for sure, i had to debate over Pet at home about them selling them one time, so i know about them being mistaken for other speices such as the chinese algae eater, but mine seem to not mind being single in a tank or together in that matter, But SAE even in shoals tend to chase one another, however will not hurt one another or so i learnt from this book that has information upon them, i also checked and there's a fact sheet that also says the same thing about them... Now i recon i have a odd ball here, because this one seem to be getting violent and i have reason why, but this SAE has lost the use of it tail by means i have no clue how, but the other is as gentle as a young puppy and so i might do a switch between the two tanks, because the SAE wont go for swordtail and besides these swordtial will attack back if he goes for them....

I guess i am going to have to use a old ice-cream tub, of spread tub to catch my little critters, because i have a planted tank and there are large slat rocks in my tank too that provide safety area for him that he dives into, the last time i had to fish him out i had no choice but the net, and it took two hour to catch him with nothing more than a lid of a huge tub and a net, it was not fun for either of us two

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