ID the Swordtail

What you have there is my favorite kind of swordtail, those are green swordtails, or some call them pinned stripped swordtails... ;)

Somone did post up a link to a swordtail ID site, however what they have under green swordtail is not a green swordtail, because they are not spotty, females should have Harizontal lines going down their body from the head to the caudal fin, males are the same, but with a extra feature of three or line lines going verticling just behind the pectoral fins

The fish circled in black is a Green swordtail


The fish circled is the indenticle fish to what you have, a green swordtail the other one in the purple outline i have found out is the native swordtail to america, for a different climate changes the apprence of the the males to have spots insted of verticle stripes, however male swordtial in the british isles has verticle stripes and no spots, so my mistake in thinking they were wrong, but it is a green swordtail, i can assure you of that for a fact...

Here is a website that help identify swordtails


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