Angel question


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
This aint so much of a emergancy so i am posting it here, right i have a angel here, and he was fine the first couple of eeks i had him, until my fish started to look a little ill, now i treated the water and they are all as fit as a fiddle, however while the fish were ill the angel kept uits fin's all clamped up to its body, now though it keeps it top fin clamped up and rarely opens it now, and i see no signs of illness or anything and i was wondering is this normal, because i do not believe it is?

Any advice would be helpful at this time

Oh ok thanks

That would probably be it, because the temp was on 25C, though i dont know how it got that low when i had it on 28C a few days ago

I only got one angel fish, and it my first time keeping them, i know they are carnivors, so i was wondering if you also advise me on a suitable diet for him, or she which ever on it may be?
My adults do well on a diet of various flakes, with brine shrimp a couple of times a week. A diet of just meat isn't real good for them, tends to plug them up. The flakes help prevent this.

Well i mainly feed ghim flake as it is, when you say meat, whats kinds, because i was thinking, because i only get live bloodworm on the rare occasion because it is like chocolate to them, i was also thinking about feeding me fish some live mosquito larvae and possibly even trying out a earth worm on them after i cleaned it and all of course?
before u do anything else ....get several more angels. an angel on his own is not a pretty sight and it would only be a matter of time before he refuse to eat and hide all day ....u can guess what will happen next. beside a group of angels would make your tank very attractive. remember angels and discus are timid species...they need to be in a group to do well. dont crack your head with what to feed a group of angels ....they would grab anything thats been offered ....they will try to out do one another to be the first to reach food....believe me. when i was keeping angels years back...i fed them cheap pellets or bread that i cant finish and never bother much about them , yet they grew fast and bred within a few months....sometimes the tank turn green with algae coz i kept it outside the house :D yet they dont seems to mind it a bit.
I may invest in one more angel however i guess i should tell you this...

My fish may only consist of livebearers, a few egg layers however i got two different species in my tank that should normally be kept in a group and yet they aint, because i am trying not to over stock, now what you just said would normally worry me, but from my experience with these fish so far, they are doing well for their conditions..

Now i have had my livebears from the very start, and they have gotten so used to me, they will now take food from my hands, now i went out and bought a bala shark (which i knew should be kept in a group, however as i said, i didnt want to overstock) a angel (which i didnt know at the time needed to be in a group of two or more) and a bristle nose pleco (which i fell in love with because he was so tiny, because originally i was aiming for a flyign fox) now i brought them home, typically the fish were timid, however i carried on my daily routine, now my fish tank is located by my computer, which is under my bed (Hi-rise bed) and so i am constantly going in and out pass my fish tank, which is currently right behind me, now i fed my liverbearer by hand, because it is easier to control the amount they eat when they do that, but not long did it take before the angel fish started coming up to me, first cautous, but then join the other fish and fed from my hand, he hovers under my filter because thats where there is little flow in my tank, but otherwise he comes out in the open as normal, which now shocks me because of what you said, as for the bala shark, i was worried about him at first, timid fish i ever got in my time of fish keeping, and kept swimming against the back wall, but he hangs out with my neon's as if they were one of his own kind and has settled in now and also is feeding from my hands... and everytime i do go passed the tank, since there aint much room and am geneally quite close to the tank they dont run for cover but carry on swimming around, now i do wonder if it is still ok i continue on like this, or whether i should get a second angel just in case?
go ahead ar two more angel will not take up too much space. bet once u get them ..u wont stop at 3 :p oh ..i have yet to see a liverbearer who refuses food from anyone s hands....they are that greedy
lol, understandable, but when a bala shark feeds from yoyur hand, thats when you can feel a sense of achievement...

I will nab myself one more angel today depending on how travelling goes, because i got a few things planned for today, but as you said one more angel wont do harm, hopefully, but i will stop after this next one, paying £4.95 a time for a juvenile angel, is peaking on the little expensive side for me... Plus i have seen how big they get
:eek: 4.95??? ....times than with 6 ...its almost 30 malaysian ringgit or 300 Thai Baht. and thats for a juv? wait ...i will go to the bangkok fish market, and snap a couple of photos and show what u will get for less than 100 baht....beleive it or not... a ready pack of juv 50 angels. maybe thats why we in asia never bother much about angels ...they are cheap...we could always buy more if anything goes wrong.but ...the less we care for them ...the faster they grow. i cant explain this , but its true. they do grow fast and breed freely. u better get more angels my friend...breed them and sell their babies.... u will be rich soon at 4.95. black angel do grow big...abt 4 inches ( minus the tail). marble are a bit smaller ...the sliver will grow abt about 4 plus. the taiwanese hibred is said to be around 5....but i never saw one that big.
True, i have never thought about breeding and selling them, yeah i could make abit of money that way if i wanted to...
well if you're going to breed and whatnot, you're going to need a bigger tank. you're running on the small size for angels, especially in the height department. but the one you have should be just fine if he's already eating from your hand -- way to bond!

and um... don't angels prey on neons in the wild? c'mon people, what's the word?
You had a look at my profile, that hasnt been updated since i joined the forum mate, the tank my angel is in is 36" x 18" x 12" and i know angels get to be quite big, i seen my nextdoor neighbours ones she bought from a friend who owns a local fish place, she bought them at their fully grown stat, since all her fish she does have are fully grown adults that have lived a long time, she has a 48" x 24" x 24", which she was lucky enough to get off her sister for free...

It shocked me though this morning, my angel has just came out into the open, fins spread and looking as happy as ever, i cant put my finger on why though

I think it might have been the temperture after all, but i think i might need a new heater, i set it to 30 c on the heater and the temperture is reading at 31 c, so i need a new heater, i am still after a second angel now since now i know i could make abit of money off of them :hey:

Thats another thing i need to know, How do you tell the sex of a angel, or is it just luck that you get a male and a female?
:X for some reason i thought that said you had the angel in the 24x15x12 (waaay too small.) sorry about that! :*)

good to hear your baby is better. :thumbs:
I have some serious bad news, my angel was fine yeah as i said earlier, i look one moment swimming around fine, next minute, and i mean a MINUTE, he was dead on the floor...


The other thing is he did have a strange lump on his head, it was beneath the skin, but i didnt think anything of it, because i thought that of all the times i look at him i never realized it til now, can fish get tuumers and such thing?

:-( :byebye: :rip: :byebye:

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