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  1. F

    Glowlight Or Black Neon Tetra?

    what makes them awsome? ah yeah, forgot to say i really want a little school of them, so the tighter they school the better! only got a 20G tank... my background is plain blue... so i think they'll both stand out well.
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    Glowlight Or Black Neon Tetra?

    I have a choice of 6 glowlight tetra, or 6 black neons.... and i cant decide which to go for. I like the look of both! Are there any pro's/con's for each? also does one grow bigger than the other? Any pics would be a great help too :)
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    Ok, 4 weeks into my fishless cycle and my ammonia is getting processed in around 14hours. When i test for Nitrites, the solution goes purple straight away (high nitrites) but after shaking and waiting the 5 minutes it becomes a very light blue (low nitrites). So my question... are my...
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    my 22G (uk) tank requires 5ml of ammonia to reach 5ppm.
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    Which Filter Pads For Cycling?

    yeah the fine wool was filthy from my tank decor... plus it was orange from the dye off my wood in the tank. It had probably just clogged up. The flow is fine now ive taken it out.
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    Which Filter Pads For Cycling?

    thank you, puts my mind to rest :)
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    Which Filter Pads For Cycling?

    Im 3 weeks into cycling my 22G tank now, but im worried that my filter isnt working as effectively as it could be. The filter is a Fluval 2+. For the last 3 weeks ive been running the filter with the 2 large foam blocks, and the really fine white pad. Ive noticed that not much is getting...
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    Fishless Cycling

    are you waiting the full 5 mins to take the reading every time?
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    Fishless Cycling

    mine's been cycling for 3 weeks now... and still not seen the Nitrites drop back down :( im getting bored of my new hobby because there isnt any fish in there!
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    Fishless Cycle

    im nearly 3 weeks into cycling my 20G tank... all i add is 4ml of household ammonia every day to keep the filter fed. the ammonia bottle (250ml) cost me £1.99!
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    Surface Cleaning

    is there something other than blotting paper i can use to clean the surface of dust and stuff... i've sadly run out of my supply of blotting paper :(
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    Surface Cleaning

    Hi there, i have muck on the surface of my water, its been cycling for 2 weeks with no fish. how do i clean the muck off, its mostly dust and impurities from the water that you can see floating about... getting moved about by the current from my filter? Thanks. oh, its also slightly oily on...
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    Fluval Duo 600

    hmm not realy much space to put more plants in as the wood covers most of the gravel... i'll see whats available. how do you mean put the heater horizontal? at the bottom of the tank by the gravel? i think being able to see the cable would piss me off... thanks for your opinions, im only a...
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    Cycing Complete?

    thanks a lot... will keep on testing then :)
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    Fluval Duo 600

    Here's a pic of my Duo 600
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    Hello All!

    Ive been on here a few weeks asking questions about my new setup, so thought i'd say hi. I have a Fluval Duo 600 setup currently 2 weeks into fishless cycling... looking forward to getting some fish soon! here is my tank setup:
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    Ideas For New Tank !

    gravel looks fine at that depth
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    Cycing Complete?

    anyone else know what could be going on?
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    Cycing Complete?

    the test starts off purple yes, but then quickly becomes clear afer a few minutes...?
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    Cycing Complete?

    no plants, they're all plastic for the time being...
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    Cycing Complete?

    im using API freshwater master test kit... as recommended on here :)
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    Cycing Complete?

    My 20G tank's been fishless cycling for 2 weeks now using the add and wait method. My ammonia drops from 4ppm to 0 in about 14 hours. Today my reading was: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm My ammonia took about 1 week to drop from 6 to 0... and the same with the nitrite, suddenly...
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    Cycling For 1 Week...

    My 20g tank has been fishless cycling for 1 week using the add and wait method. Last saturday i added 5ppm of ammonia. Over the week i havent noticed any change in the ammonia reading of the water. how long should it take to see a change? Im using the master freshwater test kit. i have the...
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    Changing Filter Media?

    Great, thanks for everyone's reply :)
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    Changing Filter Media?

    This may be a stupid question, but as i understand it my bacteria live in the media inside my fluval 2+ internal filter. When this media is due a change, surely by renewing the media you also remove the bacteria that are living inside? Whats the method for replacing all the media in the...
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    High/low Range Ph

    hmm, i just read that the added ammonia for my fishless cycling will raise the ph... so it will be higher than normal?
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    Duff Advise

    API freshwater master test kit is what most people recommend. Its easy to use. I got mine from PetSmart, £17.99
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    Duff Advise

    my aquarium came with a large book on fishkeeping, and setting up your aquarium. I guess it also depends on the knowlege of the lfs... both of mine have been very helpful. get yourself a good test kit and test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. After 2 weeks your tank probably hasnt had...
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    High/low Range Ph

    ok, here we go. would you say the results from the low range are at the highest colour, meaning its over the scale it can measure? so i should be taking the high range reading.... which i reckon is about 8.2? sorry for being dumb :blush:
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    High/low Range Ph

    hmm... right i'll try a low range test again, and see for sure if its at the highest end of the test... there's really nothing to go wrong... 3 drops of solution in a test tube with 5ml of water in it. My test kit is the one everyone raves about on here... freshwater master test kit
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    High/low Range Ph

    its just confused me having the two different PH tests... im not sure which one is the correct measurement for my water :S
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    High/low Range Ph

    the normal ph test goes from 6.0-7.6, and the high range goes from 7.4-8.8. could it be that the normal test is atually higher than the 7.6 it measures to, meaning my ph is actually 8.2 as tested using the higher range ph test? if so, 8.2 is really high isnt it?
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    High/low Range Ph

    just tested again... PH - 7.5 High Range PH - 8.2 so which is the ph of my water? 8.2 is quite high isnt it?
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    High/low Range Ph

    My test kit measures both High Range and Low Range PH... my new tank has been cycling for just 3 days now. Which PH test will give me an accurate measure of the acidity in my water, High or Low range?
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    Is This Rock Safe?

    yep both photos are definately the same rock... i bought a big one and broke it up into smaller pieces, so the 2nd photo is just another piece of the same rock. However the 1st photo had both my aquarium lights shining on it. so we're going for lava rock? would this still raise my PH?
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    Is This Rock Safe?

    ah, could that be the cause of my high ph reading (8.4)?
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    Is This Rock Safe?

    both pics are of the same rock... one in the water one outside. the shop sells all sorts, indoor... outdoor etc so was unsure exactly what it was suppoed to be used for. I guess i should have asked. so if its what you think, its safe yeah?
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    Is This Rock Safe?

    i purchased these rocks from my lfs, but am unsure if they're safe for tropical setups... its a really light rock, very crumbly. Looks dark red/brown when dry, goes orangy when in the aquarium. what is it, and is it safe to use? many thanks.
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    Fishless Cycling

    just answered my own question by experimenting 1ml at a time. 18g (US): 6ppm = 5ml of ammonia (9.5%) thought this might be worth sharing for other people to use :)