Duff Advise


New Member
Aug 15, 2006
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South coast of England
I was given some duff advise by my lfs that ended up with me returning home from a shopping trip with everything I thought I needed for my new hobby except the water! Well I'm 14 days into cycling with fish and no fatalities as yet , they appear to be ok.

I have not tested my water, but I do change %30 of the water twice a week, is this sufficient?

Why aquariums don't come with a pamphlet on fishless cycling and a bag of ammonia is beyond me.
my aquarium came with a large book on fishkeeping, and setting up your aquarium. I guess it also depends on the knowlege of the lfs... both of mine have been very helpful.

get yourself a good test kit and test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. After 2 weeks your tank probably hasnt had time to cycle properly, especially if your doing it with fish.
API freshwater master test kit is what most people recommend. Its easy to use. I got mine from PetSmart, £17.99
API freshwater master test kit is what most people recommend. Its easy to use. I got mine from PetSmart, �17.99
I got mine off ebay, £14.79 including p&p

As for LFSs, mine had never heard of fishless cycling :( There must be some way to get this idea off the Internet and into the LFSs. I don't think the guys in the store were inexperienced, I just think they had never come across the idea before. I know PFK have started talking about it which should help, but I do agree that the people we need to get on board are the manufacturers who produce the instore leaflets, Tetra/Hagen and co.
Cheers for your help.

It seems to me that because the fish at the lfs are small and cheap noone is really concerned about their welfare, if it were dogs or cats being slowly suffocated in their own filth there would be an uproar!

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