High/low Range Ph

Good point - but fish that prefer more acidic water, like angelfish, neons and rams, still only live in around 6.0/6.5ph waters - which is still at the top end of the scale.
The pH scale runs from 1 to 14, so I would hardly describe 6 as at the top end.

For lowering pH you can use RO water mixed with tap, or collect rainwater.
The pH scale runs from 1 to 14, so I would hardly describe 6 as at the top end.

For lowering pH you can use RO water mixed with tap, or collect rainwater.

I think he meant that 6 and 6.5 is the top end of the Acidic part of the pH scale, not very acidic
hmm, i just read that the added ammonia for my fishless cycling will raise the ph... so it will be higher than normal?
i'd listen to the other guy from dorset.

i sugggest searching TFF for two different topics:
"+reverse +osmosis"
"+shell +dwell*"

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