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  1. G

    Return Pump Question

    I have them lying around.
  2. G

    Return Pump Question

    I was going to have two 20 gallon sumps for 1 125 gallon DT. One 20g would house mechanical and chemical filtration (filter,skimmer,etc.) and the other would serve as a refugium. I was going to split the overflow with ball valve and have more flow to sump and less flow to refugium. Then I was...
  3. G

    Return Pump Question

    Ok so I'm designing a sump/refugium out of two 20 gallon aquariums. I was planning on having the returns from each tank meet up and return to tank. Would four pumps be too much pressure. I say four because i would think i would need two in each tank in case one fails. I am going to split the...
  4. G

    Sump/refugium Advice

    Oh I'm on it now. Thank you. You are the best help.
  5. G

    Sump/refugium Advice

    Hey DevotedToDiscus, I hope that you had a very merry Christmas. I just have one more question........for now. It's about the two overflow tubes. Can they be different lengths or do they have to be the same length. So its gonna be longer in the 10 gallon and shorter in the 20 gallon. Or can they...
  6. G

    Sump/refugium Advice

    Yeah ok. That was awesome thank you. IYour the best. ve got it. Now is PVC glue good to use to hold the PVC in place on the aquarium glass??
  7. G

    Sump/refugium Advice

    Thanks for the quick reply. So if they are next to each other would the 10g need to be raised to the height of the 20 to get maximum water level out of 20? How would I build the overlfow system?
  8. G

    Sump/refugium Advice

    I'm trying to connect an old 10 gallon to an old 20 gallon to increase the size of sump/refugium on a 125. Can I do this with additional pump or is it just impossible. I was thinking 10 gallon could house initial filter/carbon/Chempure elite and skimmer and the 20 gallon could be...
  9. G

    Fuge/sump Set Up

    I have an old 20 gallon and an old 10 gallon that I want to combine for a refugium and sump. W/ protein skimmer. It's for a 125 gallon. Ideas and suggestions about how to combine the two tanks.
  10. G

    Raphael Cat

    Thanks bud
  11. G

    Raphael Cat

    Oh ok, I had believed the raph to be a snail eater. I just thought the trumpet snails shell to be a tough one to crack.
  12. G

    Raphael Cat

    Is Raphael cat capable of eating trumpet snails?
  13. G

    Silk Or Plastic

    If real plants are not an option which would be better. Silk plants or platic
  14. G

    Will This Work?

    Ok. Cycled 10 gallon aquarium. Live plants. Ok will this stock work? 3 dwarf gouramis (1 male 2 female) 1 gbr cichlid
  15. G

    Green Spotted Puffer

    I saw some green spotted puffers today at walmart. I want one. The lady at walmart said if I have a freshwater tank to add some aquarium salt every so often and I can keep them. I need the low down on the green spotted puffer and if this is true. Thanks
  16. G

    Green Spotted Puffers

    I saw some green spotted puffers at walmart today. I love them there really cute. But I heard they are tenacious. I have an established tank and want one. The lady told me all I have to do is add some aquarium salt every so often. Is that true. Give me the low down on these green spotted puffer...
  17. G

    Preparing Vegie Snacks

    Cool thanks!!!
  18. G

    Preparing Vegie Snacks

    Is there a way vegetables should be prepared before feeding to plecos?
  19. G

    Suggestions To Improve Tanks

    So do you use a black plastic bag or it something different? I want to do that.
  20. G

    Suggestions To Improve Tanks

    These are my first two tanks. What can I do to improve them?
  21. G

    Check Out My Tanks
  22. G

    The Rams Ate Your Baby

    My pair of GBR's have spawned 3 times and each time have eaten all the eggs. Will it ever stop?
  23. G

    Can Someone Identify This Snail?

    Oh no. They're bad right.
  24. G

    Can Someone Identify This Snail?

    Here's another.
  25. G

    Can Someone Identify This Snail?

    I know it's tough with the pictures but it's too small and it's my camera phone. It's brown with yellow spots on the shell.
  26. G

    What The........ A Snail!

    So I think I have a trumpet snail appeared in my planted tank. I say trumpet snail, I'm really not sure. The literature said they hang out by the water line at night and that's where I discovered him this morning. So that's why I say trumpet. Anyway, should i try and keep him. I have live...
  27. G

    What Is This?

    Yeah they have been. I'm just worried they are in the substrate. I vacuumed two days ago so I think I may have stirred them up. I am gonna vacuum again and limit feeding for a while. First live food they have had though.
  28. G

    What Is This?

    Ok so I think it's detritus worms.
  29. G

    What Is This?

    Yeah I looked at a few videos and I think it's planaria. I mean I vacuumed two days ago. Maybe I stirred them up. But they exploded on the seen. Hundreds appeared in about 8 hours or so. How scared should I be. Am I gonna get worms. If I have to do a water change are they gonna get on or in me.
  30. G

    What Is This?

    I will post a picture when I get home if there are any left. It was really crazy. I mean I woke up and bam that's all I could see like snow it was these white wriggling wormie things a couple of mm long. If it was fry I'm gonna be t.o.ed. I wouldnt have thought fry looked like this.
  31. G

    What Is This?

    I'm new at aquariums. This morning u woke up and there were hundreds of little white worms. Is this fry?? I was horrified. I thought it was some parasite or something. As soon as I turned on the light my gourami started eating them. Anyone experience this?
  32. G

    My Tank

    I love my tank
  33. G

    Vacuuming Process

    Should the fish be taken out of the tank when vacuuming? I have a planted tank. Will uprooting the plants when vacuuming detrimental to them.
  34. G

    Schooling Fish

    Will the black neon tetras school with regular neon tetras or will they form separate schools? I just think it would be cool if they made one big school.
  35. G

    Why Vacuum?

    Why is it important to vacuum your aquarium?
  36. G

    Dwarf Cichlid Longevity

    What's the longest lived dwarf cichlids out there??
  37. G

    My First Creation

    Wow thanks, I didn't know much about any of those things. Yeah I hope the amazon swords get big to hide the tubing for the pump. Haha. It's my first tank.
  38. G

    My First Creation

    Oh I know. I really want a 125g or 140g cichlid tank. Angels and apistos!!!! That would be the best. The plants on the right of the tank were the tallest ones I could find. I'm not sure if I can grow plants. All of these were bought like that!!?!?
  39. G

    My First Creation Here's my first tank. 20 g with angels, pearls, corys and tetras. Plants. Bubbles. I want ideas for future endeavors. Post your tanks.