Sump/refugium Advice


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2010
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I'm trying to connect an old 10 gallon to an old 20 gallon to increase the size of sump/refugium on a 125. Can I do this with additional pump or is it just impossible. I was thinking 10 gallon could house initial filter/carbon/Chempure elite and skimmer and the 20 gallon could be refugium/rock/sand then return. My question would be what would be the best way to get water from 10 g to 20 g?? Pump an hose or should I drill 10g with bhead and PVC with 10 g above 20 g? Has anyone tried this before? Suggestions?
Are they side by side? If so you could build an pre-primed overflow system with 1" or 1 1/2" plastic pipe. Then you won't need to drill anything, the 2 tanks will maintain exactly the same water level at all times. If you aren't sure how to build one let me know and I will do my best to explain.
Thanks for the quick reply. So if they are next to each other would the 10g need to be raised to the height of the 20 to get maximum water level out of 20? How would I build the overlfow system?
No need to raise either tank, they just need to be on the same level, the over flow will maintain the correct water level. OK, I will do my best to explain without pictures, but if needed I can do a picture for you. Here's what you will need:

1. Inch or inch and half plastic pipe(size is dependent on your current sump flow rate, bigger is maybe better), approximately 6 times the depth of the deepest tank.
2. 6 x 90 degree elbow joints.
3. 1 x 'T' joint.
4. 3 x blanking caps.
5. Pipe adhesive.

You are going to create a tight 'W' shape which will be going from one tank to the other. At the center peak of the 'W' will be the T joint with a short snorkel extension with the blanking plug on it(removable).

First you need to cut 2 lengths of pipe exactly the same length. They should be the length of the desired water height from the bottom of the tank to the waters surface. These will be the overflow inlet/outlets.

Then you need to cut 2 lengths exactly the same, that are 2-3 inches taller than the depth of the tank.

Then cut 4 short jointing pieces, and a snorkel(4-5").

The over flow tube will run down to the bottom of the tank and run through a 'U' bend made of 2 x 90 degree joints and a short joint. Then up over the top of the 2 tanks, where you will have the T and snorkel(so here will be one 2 x 90 degree joints, 2 x short joints and your snorkel with a removable blanking cap. Then down into the second tank, with the pipework a mirror of the previous.

Glue all joints to ensure they are air tight, except for the blanking cap as this needs to be removed to prime the system. Fix the 'W' pipe work in place.

To prime the pipework:

1. Fill both tanks so that the water level is slightly above to overflows.
2. Remove the blanking cap from the snorkel.
3. Fit a blanking cap to each overflow.
4. Pour water into the snorkel until pipe is full and replace cap.
5. Now remove the 2 caps from the over flows.

The pipe work is now full of water, which cannot escape as no air can get in. As the water level raises on one tank it will flow to the second tank. Even if the water level drops below the height of the overflow the pipe will remain primed(unless you have a air leak), as the water cannot escape.

Once you have primed it I would suggest sealing the snorkel cap with wrap of Duct Tape to be sure it is air tight, and even some Vasiline on the inside to help.

I hope that is explained simply enough
. It's all very simple and uses simple physics to work. Good luck, and give me a shout if you need anymore explanations.
Yeah ok. That was awesome thank you. IYour the best. ve got it. Now is PVC glue good to use to hold the PVC in place on the aquarium glass??
Yeah ok. That was awesome thank you. IYour the best. ve got it. Now is PVC glue good to use to hold the PVC in place on the aquarium glass??

I would use suction cups like on the heater, and attach them to the pipes with electrical zip ties. That way you can remove it for cleaning, etc.

Have a good Christmas
Hey DevotedToDiscus, I hope that you had a very merry Christmas. I just have one more question........for now. It's about the two overflow tubes. Can they be different lengths or do they have to be the same length. So its gonna be longer in the 10 gallon and shorter in the 20 gallon. Or can they be different lengths an be long in each one.
Hey DevotedToDiscus, I hope that you had a very merry Christmas. I just have one more question........for now. It's about the two overflow tubes. Can they be different lengths or do they have to be the same length. So its gonna be longer in the 10 gallon and shorter in the 20 gallon. Or can they be different lengths an be long in each one.

The tops of the overflow pipes need to be at the same level, so if your 10 gallon is shallower you would be best to place something under the tank to jack it up so that the top shorter pipe in that tank lines up with the longer pipe in the 20 gl. This way you can retain the full volume in you 20 gallon. Make sense?

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