Raphael Cat

Oh ok, I had believed the raph to be a snail eater. I just thought the trumpet snails shell to be a tough one to crack.
ive never seen one that does anything other than barely move and breath, even considering snails moving at...erm...snails pace, i still suspect it would outrun a raf hahaha
Best natural solution for MTS are assassin snails. Some of the larder dorads (Megalodoras) will eat them but these get way too big for the average home aquaria. Assassin snails are readily available, there may even be someone local who has some they would sell (as shop prices can be too high to be able to buy a group of 5-6).
Check out the classifieds and see if anyone is advertising them and will post.
And cut down your feeding, which is what allows them to breed quickly.

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