My First Creation


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2010
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Here's my first tank. 20 g with angels, pearls, corys and tetras. Plants. Bubbles. I want ideas for future endeavors. Post your tanks.
Here is what I would do:
* more tetras of the same species you have
* tall plants along the back
* bigger tank
(* if I could get a 5ft tank, more angels)
Here is what I would do:
* more tetras of the same species you have
* tall plants along the back
* bigger tank
(* if I could get a 5ft tank, more angels)
Oh I know. I really want a 125g or 140g cichlid tank. Angels and apistos!!!! That would be the best. The plants on the right of the tank were the tallest ones I could find. I'm not sure if I can grow plants. All of these were bought like that!!?!?
On the right I see some sort of sword and an Anubias.. make sure the Anubias's and the Java fern's (back, centre left) rhizomes are above the gravel, both are usually grown on rocks or wood.

Left and front-right are Amazon swords, they will grow large.
Front, centre left is another Anubias (as before, keep rhizome out of gravel).
On the right I see some sort of sword and an Anubias.. make sure the Anubias's and the Java fern's (back, centre left) rhizomes are above the gravel, both are usually grown on rocks or wood.

Left and front-right are Amazon swords, they will grow large.
Front, centre left is another Anubias (as before, keep rhizome out of gravel).
Wow thanks, I didn't know much about any of those things. Yeah I hope the amazon swords get big to hide the tubing for the pump. Haha. It's my first tank.

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