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  1. ox5477

    More Tests Done

    The high range pH is for just that... high pH's... some fish need the higher pH... like africa rift lake cichlids. If you do the normal pH... and its anything but 8.... then you dont do the high range. If you get 8 on the normal pH test... then do the high range.... Well since your filter is...
  2. ox5477

    Fish Stolen ?

    Haha :lol: :lol:
  3. ox5477

    Rescued Fish Help?

    I would assume if you search on google for it, you will find an online supplier. hopefully they express mail you some within a day or so too... Sorry I cant help more then this, never actually treated HITH myself... have just seen it in the lfs and talked with them how they were treating...
  4. ox5477

    Fish Stolen ?

    Very possible Leedsboi. Could have been stolen by a competitor that was jealous of this show owners success in breeding a rare species. Ox :blink:
  5. ox5477

    Hole In The Head Disease

    If you look at the above sticky on common fish medications, I see "Metrozol" is a treatment for this. See if you can wrangle up some of this ASAP.... much better to catch HITH in the early stages... can go down hill very fast Ox :good:
  6. ox5477

    Rescued Fish Help?

    It appears from the emergencies section of common fish treatments that "Metrozol" is a treatment for HITH. Would see if you could find some of this and start treating per directions asap. Its good to catch this before things get out of control. Also... to your feeding question, when young, I...
  7. ox5477

    Omg! My Severums Are Not Severums!

    did the lfs charge you extra for these.... ummm..... "rare pink sevs".... cause if they did I would be hounding them to refund some of your money. Cause I doubt they would get it wrong.... unless it was a big box store... then its lucky they knew to keep the fish in water.... Ox :good:
  8. ox5477

    Fish Stolen ?

    Am I the only one thinking this criminal was none too smart... I mean he only stole one.... why not steal the breeding pair? As the man in the news report said... they are worth much much more as a pair.... plus he could produce off spring and just keep the parents.... But this is all assuming...
  9. ox5477

    To Much Light?

    It depends more on how much light your plants like. If they like to bathed in light, then go for the two and possibly all three all day. And then you use a timer (if there are seperate chords as well) for creating a quasi-sunrise and sunset. Many marine reefers do this to simulate the...
  10. ox5477

    Starting My Own Reef Tank- The Tank Of My Dreams!

    Well the dead coraline will provide a very rough surface for anything to attach to. so you might actually get some filter feeders, small sponges... and the like back there if you pile the rock againt the wall to make it almost a dark zone. Of course, if you have an island style reef with all...
  11. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    well the pleco should be fine, depending on what the other species of cat you have are. If they all grow to large sizes, then you may be crowding the lower level of the tank in the future. Most other species of cichlid can live with them too seeing as how they are going into a good sized tank...
  12. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    cichlids show a ton of emotion through their colorations and patterning. Many have things called stress bars and some of the more vibrantly colored species can make themselves go completely black or completely pale in certain situations. With them being so stressed as of late, its not...
  13. ox5477

    Rescued Fish Help?

    wow... can't say I approve of the previous owners color choice on that stand... looks a treat though and do keep us updated spish. Im sure they will turn around, as said before, they are quite hardy. Good Luck Ox :good:
  14. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    Also too, oscars are prone to a disease called Hole in the Head (often refered to as HITH). This is due to poor water conditions and a bad diet. If you see any small pits on the top of the o's head, then is the beginning of it and can progress until you can actually see inside of the o's...
  15. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    Ok, didnt see the post there. Now realizing the situation, these fish might be older than a yr. If the owner didnt take care of the tank, who knows if they actually fed the fish... and if they weren't fed, then they could be stunted in growth.... Wiggle is right that in most cases, the two...
  16. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    well with a tank that size.. they should have plenty of room. I estimate they are prob about a year old (maybe a little less) and prob mature enough to see how they will live the rest of their life. You may still see some aggression even with such a large tank... its just in their nature...
  17. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    Tank size? How big are they? <-- can approximate age and maturity from this Were they with any other fish with previous owner? Ox :good:
  18. ox5477

    How Do I Change The Topic Descriptoin After Iv Already Made It

    there should be an edit button at the bottom of every post you make, for if you make spelling or grammar errors or you just wish to change what you said. If you wanna edit the entire topic title or description, just click the edit for the the original post and you can then modify both. Ox :good:
  19. ox5477

    I Want You!

    First off... heads up with the link. William (the Admin) of this site doesn't really like anybody to link to other online forums. If you PM him the next time before you put a link up, he may allow you to post it... just FYI Second, this is a realtivily small tank, so there arn't too many fish...
  20. ox5477

    Big Fish!

    There are a few members that keep some nice large preds. No doubt.. the largest collection belongs to CFC. So PM him and im sure he can give you some ideas of monster fish. Also cane and mark have some nice large preds as well. They both have numbers after their name but i dont remember...
  21. ox5477

    Does The Heatwave Affect The Fish?

    Well.. towards the first question you posed.... fish, like other animals, will revolve their lives around the seasons. Depending on what season it is, a species may be more apt to breed or not depending on availability of food and space. A lot of TFF members talk about doing wc's which almost...
  22. ox5477

    Sajicas Breeding Tips

    Awesome, we'd love to see the little guys Ox :good:
  23. ox5477

    Can You Breed In Plastic Tanks?

    I would have it suctioned. Ox :good:
  24. ox5477

    Can You Breed In Plastic Tanks?

    I would assume it would be fine as long as the tank is the proper size for the fish. I mean, we use a acrylic, and that is a polymer... ie basically plasitic. Ox :good:
  25. ox5477

    How Do You Keep Your Tanks Cool In This Weather?

    this will do basically nothing unless the volume of the ice is roughly the same as volume of your tank. Dropping a few cubes in a large volume of water just doesn't have the heat capicity to really cool effectively This is prob the best to do. It will evaporate heat away. Just need to make...
  26. ox5477

    Diving In St Abbs ... Again

    Cool pics arfie. Love the coloring and patterning of that wrasse! The anemones are quite brilliant as well! Ox :good:
  27. ox5477

    Sajicas Breeding Tips

    well without other fish in the tank, this removes chances of predation of the eggs and fry, as well as gives the parents more time to fan, clean and in general tend to the eggs/fry so it should give the young ones a better chance in the world. If you can, def give them their own tank. Ox :good:
  28. ox5477

    Can You Breed In Plastic Tanks?

    you mean the small 3 and 5 gallon ones they sell? With like the colored lid and they come in the weird ploygon shapes? I would assume you could breed bettas in a tank like that... but they are kind of small for most other fish. Maybe some guppies, but I would even keep them in something that...
  29. ox5477

    What Fish To Go In A 65 Gallon Tall?

    word of warning... if they haven't shown interest already... the con and angel will prob go for the guppies and maybe even the platties when adults. Both can be a little aggressive for community style fish, though angels can be kept in community settings with the right fish. Cons however will...
  30. ox5477

    Food Variation

    well if you want live, moving, creepy crawling goodness, most lfs' I think provide a good range of live foods (atleast the couple near me do). But, it might be easier to buy frozen to be honest. I find frozen food still has alot of the nutrition of live, without all the hastle of also needing...
  31. ox5477

    Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

    That is a female Jack dempsey... and from the dark bars... I would say extremely stressed. What size tank is she in and what is the other stocking of the tank (sp and sizes please)? Ox :good: EDIT: Just reread the OP... and I guess it could be a hybrid... maybe a con/JD mix... though that...
  32. ox5477

    Severum + Jd

    I have a full grown adult male JD with two semi-Juve sevs (~3-3.5") right now. They get along fine and with you interested in a EBJD, its should work fine as the EB's are usually less aggressive than their common species cousins. As Ripley said, maybe they will be good for a month or so... but...
  33. ox5477

    Breeding Gubbies!

    well the second poster did I believe.... Ox :unsure:
  34. ox5477

    Hair Styles And Colours

    Ya... I had a goatee for about 2 years and one day decided to shave it off. Went to see my mom that day... she didnt even notice. I spent two hours eating dinner and talking with her before I finally said... "so... I shaved".... she paused and was like... OMG you did! Wouldn't that be the...
  35. ox5477

    Lighting For Algae

    o I'm sorry, I thought when I read your OP that you said you don't have real plants... on furthur review, I can't read.... Another thing to try to stem the growth of the algae is put a "hiccup" in your lighting cycle. ie... put about an hours time when the light is off in the middle of the...
  36. ox5477

    Lighting For Algae

    Is your tank in the direct sun at anytime during the day? Direct sunlight will supercharge algae growth. Also, maybe one or two live plants will help as the plants will use the minerals and nutrients before the algae can. Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Think You Don't Need A Qt Tank?

    Article describing why its good to have a QT tank... and admitting that your prob not the only one who doesn't use one. Heres the link: Oh my Darling Quarantine Hope this can useful to those who are pondering getting some new livestock and wonder whether it's really neccessary or maybe also to...
  38. ox5477

    Reef On Budget Of Time And Money

    Hey, this was prob posted when it was first written back in 2005, but it gives a good overview of a simple and effective softy coral reef. I think it really gives good info to those members who ask is a skimmer really necessary? When and if at all do I have to dose if I keep up on wc's? Do...
  39. ox5477

    Hair Styles And Colours

    ...or atleast he says he loves it... as a man should say when any woman asks "how do I look"..... else they wish to spend the next few months in the hospital with various bone and internal organ injuries.... haha :lol: Ox :good:
  40. ox5477

    Very Dumb Question

    do you mean the filters are running without any media in them, or just that the appearance of the media is a little disheveled? If your running without media... then your running without filtration basically.... If your media is just a little beat up then you can replace it by replacing one...