Food Variation


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
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Northamptonshire UK
So far ive not been very adventurous and only offered flake, algae tablets and sinking tablets due to a lack of knowledge basically. I want to introduce other foods including live food like bloodworm, Daphnia and brine shrimp but have a few questions beforehand (sorry ive asked so much recently but id rather ask loads then mess things up)

  • Where is best to purchase live food?
  • How often should you give live food and how much?
  • The fish i have are Corydoras, guppies, mollies, platies, 2 bristlenose plecos, glowlight tetras, harlequin rasboras and cherry barbs (the tetras and barbs are soon going however) so anything you would recommend for these? x

Thanks in advance
well if you want live, moving, creepy crawling goodness, most lfs' I think provide a good range of live foods (atleast the couple near me do). But, it might be easier to buy frozen to be honest. I find frozen food still has alot of the nutrition of live, without all the hastle of also needing to worry about the foods well being (if I buy alot at once). Plus, live can get expensive if used for more just a treat every once in a while.

Ox :good:
All of your fish except the plecos will appreciate frozen dapnia, blood worms and brine shrimp. I know that from my own experiences. The plecs will like things like slices of fresh veggies but they don't go much for live or formerly live food. Any fish food that you use besides the "balanced" flakes and pellets should be given as a treat and to ensure adequate variety for the fish. The basic flakes and pellets provide a fairly good diet for many fish but at this stage of the hobby's development, we don't really know everything that the fish need. That makes it safer to vary the diets and include the treats that may give something not in the basic food.

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